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File: 9469.jpg -(30160 B, 256x315) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
30160 No.3151   [Reply]


Has anyone considered picking their games up for translation? Looking online, they seem almost unheard of, even though they're seven entirely-yuri releases.

No.3142   [Reply]

Would anyone edit this?

>> No.3143  

The link

>> No.3144  


File: [Kodomo no Koe (Kacchan, Same)] Nao Kichi (Mai-HiMEMy-HiME).jpg -(398293 B, 1200x1689) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
398293 No.3126   [Reply]

there is an already translation of it, but the scans are colorless: http://exhentai.org/g/20243/33de352779/
I was wondering if someone would like to use the translated version, and use it on the colored scans: http://exhentai.org/g/76395/0b16223249/

this folder contains both of them:


File: love shower 001.jpg -(406893 B, 1045x1500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
406893 No.3030   [Reply]


File: main_menu.jpg -(51005 B, 512x320) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
51005 No.2163   [Reply]

A yuri RPG/vn by Nyaatrap. He is currently looking for translators since he is currently working on several other projects. Here's a link to the site- http://nyaatrap.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-20.html

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.2587  

Altough being ren'py it also means that you don't really need to agth to get a basic translator program translator. As you can open all the files containing text with a basic text editor you can get shit translation just by copy pasting.

>> No.2649  


Would items and attack names be included in those files?

>> No.2711  

Games pretty good just wish there was a translation for at least the items so I know what's what

>> No.2827  

I wonder why noone has picked this up it seems like its pretty easy to translate since all the files can be opened in txt editor

>> No.2946  
File: Translations.rpt.txt -(165074 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm hoping that Translations.rpt is all I need to touch. Here's a finished translation for everything before the prologue (renamed to .txt because of file extension restrictions). Nyaatrap should probably read over this since even when looking through the code with the power of grep, I have absolutely no idea what the context for some of the lines are.

I may or may not continue this, I'm still a bit burnt out from Sonohana 9.

File: p_001.jpg -(840788 B, 1033x1500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
840788 No.2920   [Reply]

(C75) [レズ萌え! (お湯の香り)] スーパーヒロイン大戦SEXY~レズ萌え!総集編~ (よろず)



there is an english translation at sadpanda, but the quality is so horrible. I think my brain just melt trying to make sense of the story. somebody needs to work on this one and do a better job and quality check.

File: Steal_Love_Leaf_0001.png -(656381 B, 1102x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
656381 No.620   [Reply]

Translation Raw: http://www.mediafire.com/?aoo5ryiw2w5z5i7
Editing Raw: http://www.mediafire.com/?l153mi6hq7fkgxl

17p one-shot. Scanned by Kuroshiyama.

>> No.700  
File: Steal_Love_Leaf_0017.png -(1543805 B, 1733x2487) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I attempted at cleaning a page. Thoughts?
I tried cleaning page 9 and ran into some problems where the dots turned into a solid mass of black when I played with the levels. I couldn't get it to correct. I'll post that when I finish redrawing tomorrow. Speaking of sfx. Should I bother erasing those?

>> No.805  
File: leaf_0009.png -(500951 B, 1112x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey, sorry that you went so long without a response.

Your cleaned page looks great.

When it comes to SFX, it's your choice on whether you want to remove them, or just typeset the translation next to it.

Sometimes, when there's a lot of grey tones in one panel, you will have to level it separately from the rest of the page-- pg9 of this chapter is a perfect example. You can just copy and paste that panel and then level it. I've posted a quick edit. to keep the tones, I had to move the grey arrow as well.

>> No.1034  

link broken , someone reup please

>> No.1039  

TL: http://www.mediafire.com/?o0321vod6cv8395
ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?5p2mjp7ddxjhozo

>> No.2879  


File: 19915166_p0.jpg -(98412 B, 600x850) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
98412 No.2871   [Reply]


eng translation

French anon was working on this one, but never finished it. will someone like to pick it up where he left?

this file contains the pages he worked on:

File: tenshi.JPG -(28835 B, 640x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
28835 No.2628   [Reply]

Sono Hanabirani Kuchizukewo - Tenshino Akogare
Promotion video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXAq0U02HJICan someone edit and make movie?
Rough translation:

(Voice only)
I believe, since I was born, I've loved you.

原画 会田孝信=Art Aida Takanobu
シナリオ 円まどか=Scenario Madoka Madoka

A Kiss For The Petal
Longing Of Angels

ちょっと背伸び盛りの元気娘=A cheerful girl who is a little acting grown-up.
#相原りんご Aihara Ringo
CV:本野しおり=CV:Honno Shiori

いったいどっちが、ほんとのあなた?=I wonder seriously, which is real you?

完全無欠の正看護師……実はかなり甘えん坊。=Perfect nurse ... but actually she behaves like a baby
#高尾千秋 Takao Chiaki

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19 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.2813  

I missed one question.

"五本のリボン five ribbons" = music score 五線譜

>> No.2824  

I've been having trouble discerning the last syllable (it sounds like it could be a 'b', 'm', or 'g') but listening to it slowed down, it sounds more like a 'g' than anything else.

Given the musical theme of the lyrics, I actually think "Sing" is probably the most likely.

My best guess to date would be
Sing! そう信じたい
"Sing! I wanna believe it's true"?

>> No.2825  

Using equalizer and panning ... I found here is two voices unison.
Center: Anzu Hana, slightly left: Murayama Midori? They are different pronunciation. XD
So, it sounds complicated.
Phewww! It should be impossible!

I send mail to Reo-ppoi Radio to ask this lyrics.

>> No.2834  

一之瀬心香 Ichinose Koko
from Reo-ppoi Radio ep57

#Because of HDD crashed, I lost many data.
#I can't attend here for a while.

>> No.2835  

Didn't you just have another crash 6 months ago?

File: 2013-06-05_124804.png -(477089 B, 810x629) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
477089 No.2809   [Reply]

This visual novel uses the same encryption scheme as Lovers of the Atelier, and as such can be translated with the same procedure.

Wiki: http://wiki.yuriproject.net/wiki:tenshi_no_akogare

Download Kikiriki from TLWiki: http://tlwiki.org/index.php?title=File:Kikiriki.rar

Download this translation kit: http://www.mediafire.com/download/30vm5plomku0bfm/AKOGARE_SRC.zip

To work on the scripts, extract Kikiriki and the above archive to your working directory, make changes in the .src files, and run Recompile.bat or run this command:
kikiriki.exe -c -i scripts -o patch2.xp3


>> No.2820  
File: 2013-06-06_110459.png -(498146 B, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The title screen uses a red label logo, rather than the blue label that this new series was promoted with. The subtitle font is subject to change.

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