This visual novel uses the KiriKiri2/KAG3 engine. It is very well documented and tools are available from TLWiki:
All work on this visual novel can be accomplished with Kikiriki:
Download translation scripts and development patches:
patch.xp3 includes patched system scripts; this file is expected to remain constant. patch2.xp3 contains the novel scripts. To work on the scripts, extract Kikiriki and the above archive to your working directory, make changes in the .src files, and run Recompile.bat or run this command:
kikiriki.exe -c -i scripts -o patch2.xp3
- The heart symbol is inserted with \001. The engine handles it gracefully, so a No Hearts variant will not be necessary.
- Additional work still needs to be done, especially word-wrapping. I will presume that a member of TLWiki will be able to address this.
- Please ensure that your text editor can read and write UTF-16 LE files and that the scripts are saved as such, or the program will cause errors. I recommend EditPad or Notepad++
New EN patches for Snow White Knight (13), Remembering how we met (15), and My Sworn Love for you (14)
... And with that, the main series is complete.
Next are the Angels Series and YuriCycle!
Some of these (14 and 15) use an old and undocumented engine. It was a bit of a pain to decrypt and put back together!