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721910 No.3910  


This visual novel uses the KiriKiri2/KAG3 engine. It is very well documented and tools are available from TLWiki: http://tlwiki.org/index.php?title=Tools#KiriKiri2.2FKAG3

All work on this visual novel can be accomplished with Kikiriki: http://tlwiki.org/index.php?title=File:Kikiriki.rar

Download translation scripts and development patches: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1zb66fbbhgo7j80/SHIRAYUKI_SRC.zip

patch.xp3 includes patched system scripts; this file is expected to remain constant. patch2.xp3 contains the novel scripts. To work on the scripts, extract Kikiriki and the above archive to your working directory, make changes in the .src files, and run Recompile.bat or run this command:
kikiriki.exe -c -i scripts -o patch2.xp3


>> No.4889  

Where is the english pach ?

>> No.4890  

It doesn't have yet. In this site the people can contribute with the translations of SH novels. But by the moment this one is ountouched.

>> No.4904  

i checked the translation for s001 and it looks good. there's like 3 lines i wasn't sure about and marked them with {check translation}. i even synced the script in the game and uploaded on youtube to hopefully get more people aware of this game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mobdo2SErAg

>> No.4908  

i checked and revised the translation for s003: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYEOoCfMdYo&index=3&list=PLwmS1eFZY5UsNgr4RtwXJa6Nb4b2Gy_FU

>> No.4909  

s004 finished: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXdzJEZqxfg&list=PLwmS1eFZY5UsNgr4RtwXJa6Nb4b2Gy_FU&index=4

>> No.4911  

Hello, am a new translator who wants to help get all the SonoHana visual novels translated. I translated s053 from RisaMiya Route if that's ok and I will continue to do so in the next scripts of this route. Although, I wonder if my translations are good enough? Can someone be kind enough to check?

>> No.4913  

>>4911 ya, i'll check s053 as well as s005 and s006 that t2k added today. i also added some translation tips / tools to make our jobs easier. all in all, just make sure the translations sound smooth, like the stuff you'd see in anime subtitles or manga.

here's an example of how translations should feel like (translated by Ralen): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzuujD0nslg&index=4&list=PLwmS1eFZY5UsRKPBRAjtw8BBd4eg2_dO9

here's my twitter and email if anyone here has questions or stuffs: https://twitter.com/ChrisCFel & chrisfel2016@gmail.com

>> No.4914  

s005 translation checked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akqtzCvWH8M&index=5&list=PLwmS1eFZY5UsNgr4RtwXJa6Nb4b2Gy_FU

>> No.4915  

I've patched s001 and s002, just drop the file into the game folder and run the game normally. I've also tried to align everything properly, give it a go and help me point out anything weird or things that need to be changed or realigned to avoid more mistakes in the future. Better stop these now than have a heap of them later. Also, I've left the {check translations} in the patch anyways because this is not the final patch.


>> No.4916  

if the link there doesn't work, here's a mirror:

>> No.4917  

I'll lend you a hand.
Here you have the config menu translated:
If you like, I'll do the rest.

>> No.4918  

Thank you! All help is appreciated!
Especially since I haven't gotten my head around patching VNs yet. I'm just testing if my works work before the translations are finished and QC'd.

>> No.4919  

Many thanks for the useful tips~
I tried revising s053 a bit. I'm having trouble how sfx should be translated though. Especially kissing sfx. The sfx translation in the video link you gave is a bit weird for me.

>> No.4921  

>>4919 once i finish checking s006, i'll get to s053;

hmm, for the sfx... we could just go with what the japanese version has and just add ** . like kissing = chuu, licking = peropero. i'll add this to the style guide.

>> No.4922  

I suggest translating using visual novel reader as it allows you to add soft subs to VNs, instantly look up words, and allows you to translate while hearing character voices and environment. There's also a feature that lets you copy and paste your subs from VNR to where ever you want. It's much better than looking at a plain boring empty script. Here's a youtube vid that shows what I mean. Skip to 8:51.


here's a link for VNR: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3YXxE6u-4bzc1RKWHpoLWZROTQ

the youtube link above has a list of tutorials on how to use VNR. I also posted them on the wiki page of shirayuki no kishi.

>> No.4923  


yo coffee_a_rice... my man. it's gud ur able to understand japanese.
most ppl can't even get past the first scene of a visual novel, let alone the first sentence or even the first kanji. so kudos.
u just need to translate more and u'll get better.
I took a small beginning chunk of s053 that you said u revised and gave some sample translations right underneath yours. (i haven't played that route so i just winged it on the translations).

o ya, what's ur twitter or email btw?


【Risa】「ふうう……まだまだ、こっちも暑いわねぇ」「Fuu......not yet, it's hot here too」
「Fuu... it's still hot here.」

南の島で過ごした、夢のような夏休みも終わり。Leaving the southern island, summer vacation ended like a dream.
Our summer vacation that was like a dream spent on the southern island has finally come to an end.

学校の方は、2学期に――いつもの日常が戻ってきた。At the school, is the second term――our usual everyday is back.
Our lives have gone back to normal. [this also implies going back to school & we all already know they're 2nd years]

【Risa】「こんなこと言うのはなんだけど、行きだけ車で送ってもらってる美夜が、こういう時だけは羨ましくなるわ……ぁぁ」「It's like this though, Miya had a car send her off, and only at times like this I get jealous......sigh」
I can't help but say this, but in times like this, I kind of get jealous that Miya has someone who'll escort her anywhere by car... aah.

じりじりとした暑さの中、校門までの道のりを何台もの高級外車が私を追い抜いていく。Scorchingly feeling hot inside, when I got to the school gate a high-class foreign car went pass me.
Within this scorching heat, many high-class foreign cars pass by me, heading towards the school gate.

【Risa】「ああ、お嬢様にはやっぱり、この日焼けが敵なんでしょうね……」「Aah, as what you'd expect from an ojou-sama, getting sunburned is a threat......」
「Aah, sunburn is definitely a threat to Ojou-samas.」

額に汗しながら歩いているうちに、やっとミカ女の校舎が見えてきた。Though there's sweat on my forehead while walking, at last St. Michael's school building can be seen.
While walking with sweat on my forehead, I managed to reach the school buildings of St. Micheal's...

……と、そこへ車が一台、ピタリと止まる。......When, that one car, suddenly came to a stop.
... When suddenly, a car came to a stop.

中から降りてきたのは…… What stepped out from inside was......
The one who stepped out from inside was...


uh, i guess my advice is don't translate sentences in the order it appears (sometimes this works & sometimes no). this method works 100% in japanese but not english.
your sentences make sense but doesn't flow. try shifting your translated sentences around until it does flow. as practice, try and fix the following five sentences from s053 and post it here.

【Risa】「み、美夜、こんな朝早くから会うなんて、めずらしいわね」「Mi, Miya, to see you so early in the morning like this, how unusual」
【Miya】「ええ、たまにはね……璃紗にちょっと、時間を合わせてみたのよ」「Eeh, once in a while......just a bit with Risa, to have time to meet with you」
【Risa】「へぇ……どういう風の吹き回しかしら?」「Hee......I wonder what sudden turn of events this is?」
嬉しいけど、ついつい、こんなことを言ってしまう。I'm happy but, subconsciously, such thoughts were put to an end.
【Miya】「ふふふっ、わたくしにそれを言わせる気かしら、璃紗?」「Fufufu, am I the one you're thinking of, Risa?」

>> No.4924  

s006 translation checked & refined: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKroTxoaCBs&list=PLwmS1eFZY5UsNgr4RtwXJa6Nb4b2Gy_FU&index=6

>> No.4928  

This may sound like a stupid question, but I can't help but wonder: will there be an actual patch for the game, or just youtube videos?

>> No.4933  

That's the idea.

>> No.4934  

I don't have twitter account but my gmail is: alice.coffeerice@gmail.com
I'm still a student that's why I'll be sometimes busy but I will translate RisaMiya's route little by little. I haven't played Shirayuki no Kishi before that's why I'm playing it now. I plan to translate all scripts first and then revise them later. It's not my style to get stuck on one part for too long. Please understand. Btw what software do you use to record your gameplay?

>> No.4935  

I forgot to mention this but English is not my main language so please bear with some of my awkward grammar. Also, is it really ok to leave out the comma punctuation from the original japanese text when translating?

>> No.4936  

I tried lol

【Risa】「み、美夜、こんな朝早くから会うなんて、めずらしいわね」「M-Miya, it's rare to see you so early in the morning」
【Miya】「ええ、たまにはね……璃紗にちょっと、時間を合わせてみたのよ」「Yes, just once in a while......I wanted to be with Risa for a little longer」
【Risa】「へぇ……どういう風の吹き回しかしら?」「Hee......what's with the sudden change of heart?」
嬉しいけど、ついつい、こんなことを言ってしまう。I'm happy but, I suddenly ended such thoughts.
【Miya】「ふふふっ、わたくしにそれを言わせる気かしら、璃紗?」「Fufufu, are you thinking about me, Risa?」

I don't know how to translate that japanese expression "Hee" all I know is that it means being impressed/amazed something along those lines. I thought it was best for the texts to remain polite or formal because they're ojou-samas and I'm used to this way of speaking myself. But I'll try to be more casual from now on. I'm sorry if I'm causing problems with my inexperience...

>> No.4938  

I'm finally at MiyaRisa's route. This translation: "I managed to reach the school buildings of St. Micheal's..." is not appropriate for the scene in my opinion. Risa hasn't reached the St. Michael's school buildings yet. She can only just see it. What's more, in the next few lines, Miya mentioned that she wanted to be with Risa a little longer. This can only mean that they were merely along the tree-lined path to their school. But this is only the image I have during that scene and how I interpret it. Risa could have really reached the school's buildings so maybe you're right. I might have been delusional or something lol

>> No.4940  

ya, help out whenever ur free; i use Action!

as long as u get close to the meaning of the sentence, u can leave out anything u need to. no ones going to be reading the japanese text in the final patched version anyways.

i haven't read that far yet, so you could go with "I finally got to see..."

While walking with sweat on my forehead, I finally got to see the school buildings of St. Micheal's.

u just need some more experience and u'll be good;
general rules: friends talking to each other = casual; talking with strangers = formal; make sure to read the mood of the situation.
i revised and put some translations underneath urs.

【Risa】「み、美夜、こんな朝早くから会うなんて、めずらしいわね」「M-Miya, it's rare to see you so early in the morning.」

【Miya】「ええ、たまにはね……璃紗にちょっと、時間を合わせてみたのよ」「Yes, just once in a while......I wanted to be with Risa for a little longer」
「Yes, I wanted to see you for a bit... even if it's just once in a while.」

【Risa】「へぇ……どういう風の吹き回しかしら?」「Hee......what's with the sudden change of heart?」
[good; "Hee" = Oh. Depending on how Risa says "Hee" will determine how it's translated.]

嬉しいけど、ついつい、こんなことを言ってしまう。I'm happy but, I suddenly ended such thoughts.
I'm happy to hear her say that, but I ended up questioning her without thinking.

【Miya】「ふふふっ、わたくしにそれを言わせる気かしら、璃紗?」「Fufufu, are you thinking about me, Risa?」
「Fufufu, are you trying to make me say it, Risa?」

-since you're still new to translating, my advice is translate how u usually would, assume ur wrong, then rearrange / reword ur sentence.
i also posted translation tips on the main wiki page of Shirayuki no Kishi, so make sure to look at that.

>> No.4960  

I've finished translating s007. I can't upload it to yuriproject wiki though, the website is giving me the 502 bad gateway error. What do?

>> No.4989  

s007 translation checked.

>> No.5134  

Here's the English partial patch that covers the trial version, plus 4 additional chapters of the common route, not including the ecchi scenes at the end of the demo: http://adf.ly/1d4nm6

>> No.5135  

Thank you!

>> No.5252  

here 8 uploaded but i did not translate it A Kiss For The Petals - Snow White's Knight

>> No.5377  

I really wanted to play this, I can't read japanese, I'm actually brazillian but I am able to understand English ;w; such a shame that I haven't been able to translate the game even tough I searched so much for the translation. Anything works, it's kinda dissapointing.
If someone has the translation (even if it's not completed) please give me so I can be happy again and understand everything they say ;w;
Thx for people who understands that and also nice job with the translations! seeyuguys

>> No.5560  


>> No.5611  

So...is this translation dead?

>> No.5624  

Maybe this project is really dead...
Even quarantine can save this...

>> No.5625  

Maybe this project is really dead...
Even quarantine can't save this...

>> No.5640  

very dead

>> No.5644  

this is why the lord made deepl

>> No.5647  

Dead link. Could someone reupload this, please?

>> No.5710  

Full translation for all the remaining games of the main series can be found here.

>> No.5714  

Sorry I fucked up the link.
Here's the correct link to all the patches, including SWK:


>> No.5716  

And here's a link with current and future releases:

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