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File: main_menu.jpg -(51005 B, 512x320) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
51005 No.2163  

A yuri RPG/vn by Nyaatrap. He is currently looking for translators since he is currently working on several other projects. Here's a link to the site- http://nyaatrap.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-20.html

>> No.2569  

Link isn't working. It never connects.

I'm currently playing this, it's pretty neat but since it's in ren'py I can't hook the text with aght...

>> No.2574  

Direct link: http://www.mediafire.com/?wn76v85hyvfl82j

>> No.2587  

Altough being ren'py it also means that you don't really need to agth to get a basic translator program translator. As you can open all the files containing text with a basic text editor you can get shit translation just by copy pasting.

>> No.2649  


Would items and attack names be included in those files?

>> No.2711  

Games pretty good just wish there was a translation for at least the items so I know what's what

>> No.2827  

I wonder why noone has picked this up it seems like its pretty easy to translate since all the files can be opened in txt editor

>> No.2946  
File: Translations.rpt.txt -(165074 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm hoping that Translations.rpt is all I need to touch. Here's a finished translation for everything before the prologue (renamed to .txt because of file extension restrictions). Nyaatrap should probably read over this since even when looking through the code with the power of grep, I have absolutely no idea what the context for some of the lines are.

I may or may not continue this, I'm still a bit burnt out from Sonohana 9.

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