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28835 No.2628  

Sono Hanabirani Kuchizukewo - Tenshino Akogare
Promotion video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXAq0U02HJICan someone edit and make movie?
Rough translation:

(Voice only)
I believe, since I was born, I've loved you.

原画 会田孝信=Art Aida Takanobu
シナリオ 円まどか=Scenario Madoka Madoka

A Kiss For The Petal
Longing Of Angels

ちょっと背伸び盛りの元気娘=A cheerful girl who is a little acting grown-up.
#相原りんご Aihara Ringo
CV:本野しおり=CV:Honno Shiori

いったいどっちが、ほんとのあなた?=I wonder seriously, which is real you?

完全無欠の正看護師……実はかなり甘えん坊。=Perfect nurse ... but actually she behaves like a baby
#高尾千秋 Takao Chiaki
CV: 一ノ瀬心香=CV: Ichinose [Kokoka?] #I don't know her name's pronunciation.

好きだからこそ、わからなくなっちゃう。=I'm confused, because I love you.

The staffs of
『A Kiss For The Petal』
are making,

The scene is a nurse school,
The first one of new 「Sonohana」 series!

Madoka Madoka, both an active nurse and yuri writer, with being inherited light and comical pace,

シリアスで深みのあるストーリーを展開!!=presents a serious and deep story!!

『Darling ☆ Gonna...』 #'goona' maybe mistype. ☆=heart mark.
歌:杏花 =Vocal:Anzu Hana
作詩:杏花 =Lyrics:Anzu Hana
作曲:桜井直哉 & kenny Echizen =Music: Sakurai Naoya & Kenny Echizen #Crayon Music Studio
バックコーラス:村山みどり=Chorus :Murayama Midori

本当のあなたが知りたいの=I want to know your truth.

その花びらにくちづけを =A Kiss For The Petal
天使のあこがれ =Longing of Angels

2013年5月31日 May 31, 2013
発売予定 Planed to release.

>> No.2638  

KumaIchigo, thank you for the transcription and rough translation. I will attempt to make it sound more natural.

(Voice only)
I think... I’ve loved you from the day I was born.

原画 会田孝信
Art Aida Takanobu
シナリオ 円まどか
Scenario Madoka Madoka

A Kiss For The Petals
Longing of an Angel

Title translation is still subject to change I presume. My personal vote is for "The Angels' Longing," with potential repositioning of the apostrophe.

Aihara Ringo
CV:Honno Shiori

What does 背伸び盛り mean? When I translated the character descriptions for AXYPB’s blog I translated it as "Aspiring."

An energetic, aspiring young girl.

Which is the real you?

A picture perfect nurse. ...But she’s actually pretty needy.
Takao Chiaki
CV: 一ノ瀬心香
CV: Ichinose [Kokoka?] #I don't know her name's pronunciation.

It’s because I like you that I’m unsure.

From the creators of "A Kiss For The Petals"

Set at a nursing school, the first entry in a new "Sonohana" series!

Madoka Madoka, both an active nurse and yuri writer, inherits the light and comical mood
While laying out a serious and deep story!!

『Darling ♥ Gonna...』
Vocals: Anzu Hana
Lyrics: Anzu Hana
作曲:桜井直哉 & Kenny Echizen
Music: Sakurai Naoya & Kenny Echizen #Crayon Music Studio
Background Chorus: Murayama Midori

I want to know the real you.

A Kiss For The Petals
Longing of an Angel

Available May 31, 2013

>> No.2642  

AXYPB asked me for help with this yesterday, but I don't have time to TS this perfectly right now. However, I did "lazy" TS it by using a lot of fades to replace transforms that would take hours to do right across the entire pv. So yeah, some stuff is done more efforty than others. You were warned.


>> No.2646  

Thank you for your work. I will attempt to improve upon it until you are able to resume work on it yourself. In the meantime, please focus on QC for Risa-Miya Theater.

>> No.2660  

Thank you for your hard work and sorry I can't do this time.

>>2638 and .ass file

We can't avoid to determine subtitle before VN is released. Please determine natural one.

Is "entire life" meaning same?
Japanese sentence does not clearly include 'after today' yet.

ちょっと、背伸び-盛りの、元気 娘

背伸び= to act glown-up, pretending senior or experimental one.
or some "conceited"?
It does not so much include "ambition" or "strong desire".

……盛り= age of ... (ref. 遊び盛り ~ infant days or young age)

Then "aspiring" is not wrong but too strong I feel.

It’s because I like you that I’m unsure.

I think Ralen's translation is better because probably it is before 'love'.

I can't find Ichinose who?

When I made Maidens..PV subtitle, I used Aegisub because it can treat Japanese and many effects, but it's not easy to use.
Do you know better tools if we don't need to treat Japanese kanji code?
At least, in case of VN like subtitle (like RisaMiya), I guess there are many subtitle or karaoke tools...??

>> No.2664  


>Is "entire life" meaning same?
>Japanese sentence does not clearly include 'after today' yet.

In English to say you've done something your whole life means up to the present (not necessarily after).
Although sometimes people will make a joke out of it.
Q: Have you known her your whole life? (meaning from birth until now).
A: Not yet. (meaning from birth until death).
Although personally I think "From the day I was born" sounds much better in this instance. It's more artful/dramatic sounding and more closely matches the original phrasing.

>盛り = age of

I understand now. I didn't realize the meaning of 盛り. I had used "aspiring" to mean "ambitious," but I see that's inaccurate now.
This may be a stretch for the translation, but maybe
An energetic girl who's finding her way in the world.
Meaning she is setting out on her own for the first time and trying to make her own life as an adult.
Similar to the meaning of "Leaving the nest" or "Spread your wings and fly" (implies being on one's own for the first time).

>> No.2666  



wwwwwww Of course I don't know my future.
I wanted to say they are not engaged as "Till death do us part", and it's monologue that the moment Ringo noticed her own mind, I feel.
Then I also think "From the day I was born" is better.

>An energetic girl who's finding her way in the world.

ummm, it does not include 'pretending' or 'acting', right?
背伸び is ... what to say ...
Reo always 背伸び to catch Mai up.
Sometimes Reo is conceited.
Can you understand this explain?

>> No.2669  


>it does not include 'pretending' or 'acting', right?

No, not really.

I see what you're saying, I'm just not sure how to phrase it.

I guess your original wording was probably the closest. Just to make it sound a little more natural:
A cheerful girl who tries to act grown up.
A cheerful girl who tries to act mature.

>> No.2736  

I try to translate the lyrics also.
Rough translation:

Darling ♡ gonna ...
Lyrics Anzu Hana

夜明けまで となりにいてくれる
大丈夫 手を繋いでるよ

五本のリボン 記憶の音符 メロディーになる想い
いい子じゃなくて 自信がなくて だけど伝えたい

Darling gonna chose me

やさしいのは 私にだけ
It seems そう(so)信じたい # I'm not sure this sentence.

幼い約束 甘い予感 You & me
過去も未来も 二人 永遠のシンフォニー


Darling ♡ gonna ...

Until dawn, you are beside to me
"You are safe, I'm shaking your hand"

five ribbons, note of memory, my love become a melody
I'm not a good child, I have no confidence, but I wanna tell you

Darling, gonna choose me
I wanna be your sweetheart

you are tender only for me
it seems so, I wanna believe

infant promise, sweet premonition of you and me
past and future, two of us make eternal symphony

I still don't find how to read 心香.

>> No.2740  


>I still don't find how to read 心香.

ENAMDICT provides the following transliterations:
心香 きよか Kiyoka (f)
心香 ここか Kokoka (f)
心香 このか Konoka (f)
心香 ほのか Honoka (f)
心香 みか Mika (f)
心香 もとか Motoka (f)

>> No.2741  
>I still don't find how to read 心香.

erogamescape says "一ノ瀬心香" is Ichinose Shinka.

>> No.2747  

Thank you for the transcription.

I made somewhat of an attempt to make the English translation match the cadence of the music.

I have one question that may alter the translation.
Am I correct that 幼い約束 is not "a promise from childhood" but rather "a promise that is still young"?

Also, what is the significance of 五本リボン (Five ribbons)?

夜明けまで となりにいてくれる
大丈夫 手を繋いでるよ
Until dawn, you stay by my side
It's okay, I have your hand in mine

五本のリボン 記憶の音符 メロディーになる想い
いい子じゃなくて 自信がなくて だけど伝えたい
Five ribbons, the notes of memories, love that becomes a melody
I'm not a good girl, I'm not confident, but there's something I want to tell you

Darling gonna choose me
Darling gonna choose me
I wanna be your sweetheart

やさしいのは 私にだけ
It seems そう(so)信じたい
Your gentle side only comes out for me
That's how it seems, I wanna believe

幼い約束 甘い予感 You & me
過去も未来も 二人 永遠のシンフォニー
A fledgeling promise, a sweet premonition, you and me
Our past and future together, an eternal symphony

>> No.2748  


>It seems そう(so)信じたい # I'm not sure this sentence.

I would like for another translator to verify this line at 0:55 in the video.

>> No.2749  

I think it might be "Please そう, 信じたい"

>> No.2769  

Ohhh, that's right.

>> No.2770  

That doesn't sound anything like "Please" to me.
I'm not totally sure what's being said, but it definitely sounds like it starts with a "See" sound. "Seems" sounds like the best guess I've heard so far.

>> No.2802  

I asked Tomino Nakiyoshi for a third opinion, who answered "Sing A Song,信じたい". The reasoning is that "it seems" is highly unlikely to be the correct line as a sentence fragment like that would be difficult for Japanese audiences to comprehend, especially amongst the other English lyrics already in the song.

>> No.2803  

That could be it. But the end of "song" is missing, and it doesn't make as much sense in context.
I can still hear "Please sou" when I have the volume low and with context: Your gentle side only comes out for me / Please let it be so, I know it's true!

>> No.2808  

The more I hear it, the more I think the first word could be "Sing."
Whatever it is, I'm certain it starts with a "See" sound and not a "P" sound.

Perhaps it's not "Sing" but "Seeing?"
Seeing sou shinjitai?

>> No.2812  

... Sweet?

>> No.2813  

I missed one question.

"五本のリボン five ribbons" = music score 五線譜

>> No.2824  

I've been having trouble discerning the last syllable (it sounds like it could be a 'b', 'm', or 'g') but listening to it slowed down, it sounds more like a 'g' than anything else.

Given the musical theme of the lyrics, I actually think "Sing" is probably the most likely.

My best guess to date would be
Sing! そう信じたい
"Sing! I wanna believe it's true"?

>> No.2825  

Using equalizer and panning ... I found here is two voices unison.
Center: Anzu Hana, slightly left: Murayama Midori? They are different pronunciation. XD
So, it sounds complicated.
Phewww! It should be impossible!

I send mail to Reo-ppoi Radio to ask this lyrics.

>> No.2834  

一之瀬心香 Ichinose Koko
from Reo-ppoi Radio ep57

#Because of HDD crashed, I lost many data.
#I can't attend here for a while.

>> No.2835  

Didn't you just have another crash 6 months ago?

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