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File: 2013-06-05_124804.png -(477089 B, 810x629) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
477089 No.2809  

This visual novel uses the same encryption scheme as Lovers of the Atelier, and as such can be translated with the same procedure.

Wiki: http://wiki.yuriproject.net/wiki:tenshi_no_akogare

Download Kikiriki from TLWiki: http://tlwiki.org/index.php?title=File:Kikiriki.rar

Download this translation kit: http://www.mediafire.com/download/30vm5plomku0bfm/AKOGARE_SRC.zip

To work on the scripts, extract Kikiriki and the above archive to your working directory, make changes in the .src files, and run Recompile.bat or run this command:
kikiriki.exe -c -i scripts -o patch2.xp3


>> No.2820  
File: 2013-06-06_110459.png -(498146 B, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The title screen uses a red label logo, rather than the blue label that this new series was promoted with. The subtitle font is subject to change.

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