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File: Lesbian_Vol_2_p_0079.png -(4072306 B, 1763x2480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
4072306 No.1965  

One-shot. 44 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?bubyrmv7xnp8ck6

>> No.4623  
File: Rainy_Holiday.txt -(7695 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


This is a continuation of Poolside >>1964

>> No.4708  

I would like to edit this one.

>> No.5038  

A QC for Rainy Holiday is available here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/nf1m7pty2w7rbkb/Rainy_Holyday_QC1.zip

The present QC-version is not as finished as I would like it to be, but since I will have nigh on no time available to fix the remaining details until September, I figured that it would be nice to perhaps by then also have some feedback related to the parts I consider to be in a more "finished" state.

Some background: I did most of the cleaning of "Rainy Holiday" more than a year ago, in fact before I got the first feedback on "Poolside" (the prequel, http://reader.yuriproject.net/read/lesbian/en/2/4/), and I started working upon this project again after "Poolside" was released.

I have tried to update/improve the initial draft based on the feedback I got during the QC-versions of "Poolside", but I have had a hard time dealing with some of the SFXs. The problem is that my first attempt at creating SFXs was based on the strategy "cover the original SFX to reduce the amount of redrawing". This implied that most of the SFXs I
made last year did go in all kinds of strange directions, which I have understood is far from desirable.

I thus need to do some extra redrawing in order to replace the crappy SFXs with proper versions, and I've not had the time/energy to fix the following SFXs yet.

90: VSSH

These SFXs are mostly related to the sound of rain and thunder, and as such I wonder: Might it be OK to allow a few of these SFXs to go in "wrong" directions compared to how they ideally should be placed?

In addition to the SFXs mentioned above, I would also like to point out that more work is needed on the front page - i.e. redrawing the region where the original title was located.

By the way: I have noticed that there's still two untranslated chapters from this collection, i.e. http://nsfw.yuriproject.net/res/1966.html and http://nsfw.yuriproject.net/res/1969.html. I think I would like to edit those too if someone can provide translations. They seem to be a bit easier than Poolside and Rainy Holiday, at least with regard to having fewer SFXs, and less complicated background to redraw for those SFXs that are there.

>> No.5039  


>Might it be OK to allow a few of these SFXs to go in "wrong" directions compared to how they ideally should be placed?

Yeah, that sounds totally fine to me.

>I have noticed that there's still two untranslated chapters from this collection

Sure, I'll translate them soon.

>> No.5088  

An updated QC-version is now available here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/sa6ecf7ddg1ndiv/Rainy_Holyday_QC2.zip

I think I have managed to fix the problematic SFXs (mentioned in the previous post) such that they do look a bit more in line with the desired format.

There are still some issues related to redrawing, but I've not had time to fix those yet. I'm leaving for a three week trip in just an hour, so I upload this as it is - such that those working upon QC can work upon a version that is a bit more complete than the previous one.

>> No.5124  

bumb for check up.

>> No.5177  

A revised version in now available for QC: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3fnmprm1578f480/Rainy_Holyday_QC3.zip

My apologies for the long delay, but real life has been quite demanding the last couple of months, so I have not had the stamina to do anything with this project for quite a while.

I have fixed some minor issues with regard to areas that should be white, which after a more rigorous test turned out to not be white in the QC2-version. But except for this, the new version does not differ much from the previous version. I had intended to work a bit more with the redrawing, but when I looked upon it today after a break of several months, I decided against using more time upon that. (It is not hard to find "bad spots" if you are looking for them, and if you consider these to be too horrendous I can make an attempt at improving them.)

>> No.5179  

Thanks, it looks good. Okay if I release it?

>> No.5181  


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