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File: Lesbian_Vol_2_p_0051.png -(4135714 B, 1782x2490) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
4135714 No.1964  

One-shot. 28 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?q1arnd5m61vode7

>> No.1967  

I should perhaps say that there's a bit of het on one page.

>> No.4619  
File: Poolside.txt -(4049 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.4690  


In an attempt at learning GIMP, I have been playing around with the Raws of this project - and I would now like to make a more serious attempt at editing it.

As I'm a complete newbie at this, I would appreciate to get some feedback on my initial attempt before I start upon a more serious cleaning of the Raws: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1spi5bsbfwvzw8p/Poolside_preliminary_QC.zip

Note: Nothing else than a bunch of filters have been used on the Raws - i.e. there has been no rotating, cropping, resizing or whatnot yet. Well, I did some extra stuff when I attempted joining the "double pages", but otherwise nothing advanced and time consuming havebeen done with any files - so please don't hesitate to make suggestions for modifications.

And of course, if you consider my initial attempt to be beyond hopeless, please tell me so I don't end out wasting our time.

>> No.4707  

A first QC for Poolside is available at http://www.mediafire.com/download/122c2onlo3v5dv9/Poolside_in_QC.zip.

Note: I think the word "alternate" in the sentence "Here, inside of this alternate dimension..." (on page 21 / 71) perhaps should be replaced with "alternative" instead.

>> No.4714  

Thanks, looks good.

Page 4
"I bought a new swimsuit"
behind "bought" some text is visible.

Page 6
"there's no one here."
the last line, "here.", has pixels missing from the bottom.

Page 21
"alternate dimension" is correct (google says .4M vs 40k)

>> No.4716  

I will fix those details.

By the way, I do have a question related to fonts: I'm at the moment (slowly) working upon the sequel, Rainy Holiday, and I figured out that another font for the sfxs would work better than the one I used in Poolside. For the sake of consistency, should I update the sfxs in Poolside to match those I want to use in Rainy Holiday? Or is it OK to have different fonts for these sfxs?

>> No.4722  


>Or is it OK to have different fonts for these sfxs?

It is. You don't need to be consistent with sfx fonts, as long as they're fitting.

>> No.4725  


Here's an updated version of Poolside for QC:

Changes performed on page 4 and page 6, and the credits page has been updated.

>> No.4737  
File: pool qc.txt -(3024 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.4756  
File: pool qc - updates.txt -(11793 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


A new version of Poolside is now ready for QC: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dvlnrbdc39od1v1/Poolside_in_QC_v3.zip

I have attached a text file with some notes I made while working on this update, where I have included a few questions about stuff I'm a bit in doubt about.

>> No.4758  

Your fonts look hideous, please make sure that in the layer list the text layers are ABOVE the leveling layer.

>> No.4759  

Just a quick update:
I'm not sure what happened with the font, but I have checked that the text-layers are at the top of the stack, so it's something else that messed things up.

As far as I can see, from a backup of the source-files, the font looked as it ought to do before I adjusted the heigth to 2000 pixels and saved the result with 32 colours instead of 256. So it seems I must have messed up big time during that part...

I backuped my source-files immediately before the problematic part, so I hope it should be possible to figure out how to fix this without to much effort. However, I'm travelling most of July, and I will thus most likely not have the opportunity to fix this until August.

>> No.4767  
File: font.png -(12027 B, 231x215) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'll do full QC for this, but first could you please correct a few general things so extra work doesn't have to be done.

Your fonts look off because you have no aliasing. Change the setting to smooth or sharp and it should be fixed.

Also, use a different font for narration, thought, and dialog. Simple choices are Wild Words, Chinacat, and Mighty Zeo. But you can be as creative as you want.

Lastly. For text shaping, try to avoid putting single or double letter words on their own line. A quick example for reference:
Page 05
What/do/I/do? → What/do I/do?
(Slashes are line breaks.)

>> No.4778  
File: q&a.txt -(2710 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.4790  
File: Comments_to_page1.txt -(3704 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

IRL turned out to be rather demanding in August, and I have not been able to do much with this project lately.

However, I have figured out the source of the problem with the fonts and how to resolve it.

A few different versions of page one is available here, http://www.mediafire.com/download/x99cmdd9i255bb6/Poolside_page1_different_settings.zip

Please see the attached file for further comments and a couple of questions.

>> No.4804  

I'm not in any way experienced with GIMP and my few tests just now didn't go anywhere. Indexing really doesn't play nice with fonts for some reason.

However, there is an easy way to work around this issue (aside from just running photoshop instead...) Are you using Windows or Linux? Little point in me outlining the procedure for one if you run the other.

>> No.4807  

A solution for Linux would be highly appreciated.

However, at the moment my computer at home is out of order. It went down monday evening and failed to reboot. Using an installation USB for Linux Mint, I've managed to extract all the files from it and they are now stored on an external device, so I didn't lose any of my work. I've not managed to reinstall a new OS, and the error-messages indicate that there's some serious malfunction that prevents me from accessing parts of the hard disk.

I'm going to hand it in to the retailer this evening, in order to make a warranty claim for a repair or a new computer (the present one was bought last year) - and I hope I will have a working computer up and running in the near future.

>> No.4809  

The procedure is fairly simple:

Install ImageMagick.
Export the images in GIMP as PNG. Don't do any resizing or color mode changes here. You also don't need to do your whole layer workaround.

Then use ImageMagick on your exported images to produce the end result:
convert infile.png -filter RobidouxSharp -distort Resize x2000 +dither -colors 64 outfile.png

Note that your version of IM might not come with RobidouxSharp, in that case use Lanczos or Catrom instead.

GIMP has some kind of batch scripting (like this, which I haven't tested: http://2stech.ca/index.php/linux/linuxtutotials/readmes/119-gimp-batch-convert-xcf-image-file-to-png-image-file ) and the convert command is of course begging for a shell script, so you should be able to semi-automate this whole procedure.

>> No.4879  

It is wonderful that you can do GIMP scripting, but GIMP scripting sucks to do. I know because I have done some. If you want some batch command-line utilities, I can probably oblige you. Just let me know what you want.

>> No.5005  

My apologies for the exceptional slow progress on this project, but here's finally a revised version that I made this weekend, http://www.mediafire.com/download/sbu0pks72tcsb2d/Poolside_in_QC_v4.zip.

I have attempted to avoid the "one word on each line" setting that was prominent in the previous versions, but the shape of some of the bubbles was not quite cooperative. I have cheated a bit by reducing the font used for the "…", and I hope that is a forgivable sin.

And, Multiball, thank you very much for your offer about batch command-line utilities. I might get back to that later on - but I would first for the sake of pure stubbornness see if I can finish the GIMP-scripts I started upon during Christmas (I haven't had time to look upon them since then, so it could very well be a pipe dream to think that I somehow should succeed now).

>> No.5012  



good job everyone!

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