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File: Tenshi_no_Hanabira_Zome.png -(698367 B, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
698367 No.1665  

Status: Translation - 100%, Graphics - 50%, launched first beta patch.

Translated scripts: http://wiki.yuriproject.org/tenshi_no_hanabira_zome

Beta patch 31/12/2012 : http://axypb.net/2012/08/30/beta-translaton-patch-for-a-kiss-for-the-petals/. What still need to be done from this beta: completing graphics, editing script 6 to 18.

You can register to the wiki and edit the scripts directly if you wish to be an editor.

Please report bugs, translation mistakes, and English mistakes in the Beta patch in this thread.

>> No.1671  

thank you x) i love u guys

>> No.1672  

Hey saluki, not sure if it's supposed to be like that but on the wiki the link still refers to the old thread :p
Keep the good work up guys, im overflowing with anxiety for this title x3

>> No.1673  

Oh, with 'the link' I meant the link going to the project discussion. :p

>> No.1676  

Finished going over script 6. AXYPB will update to second beta patch later.

Ah thank you, I changed it.

>> No.1678  

A new beta patch has been uploaded containing the translation on the wiki as of 6 September 2012, 22:10 EDT.


>> No.1683  

s002 <414A> =...M-My word! What am I doing? Did the fact that she spoke to me really unnerve me that much?

"My word" seems like a bad translation. Shouldn't it be "My speech" or "My voice"?

>> No.1684  


Nope. "My word!" is a not entirely uncommon interjection indicating surprise. You know, like "oh my", but it feels a tiny bit more distressed. I've never heard "My speech" or "My voice" ever used as interjections before.


>> No.1685  

I see. I guess it's fine then.
Moving on...

Eris: 「You've never touched yourself?」
Shizuku: 「Of course not!」
Shizuku (not spoken out loud): There's no way I'd do something like that.
<143FE> =「It almost sounds like you do, though, Eris-san.」

This last sentence should be changed to:
=「It almost sounds like you have, though, Eris-san.」

>> No.1686  

That's from s005.

>> No.1688  

Thank you, fixed.

>> No.1705  

s007 <335D> =But for some reason, my embarrassment always takes centre stage.

According to the wiki American English should be used, so "centre" should be changed to "center".

>> No.1706  

s007 <5EDA> =「No, I do★」
=「Yes, I do★」

>> No.1707  

Thanks Peppah, however, script 7-18 still need extensive editing, which should take care of most English mistakes like these along the way. That's why it'd be best if a dedicated editor (you maybe, if you like) work on them first, then we update to beta 3, then QC for grammar later.

I'm in the middle of editing and checking translation for script 7. Would be nice if there's another editor working on the subsequent scripts to speed up the process.

>> No.1709  

I could give it a try, but I'm not sure if I'm really up for it since I don't know much Japanese at all. All Japanese I know are some common (simple) sentences and words I've heard frequently.
So I expect to frequently come across sentences that might look wrong to me, but I won't necessarily know how to correct them because might not know exactly what the original Japanese text was trying to imply.

>> No.1710  

Oh well, you can wait until I'm finished editing then.

Btw, "sweet nothings" is correct and shouldn't be changed. It means affectionate but unimportant/meanlingless talk between lovers.

>> No.1711  

Alright, I'll wait for you to finish then.

I knew what was meant with "sweet nothings", but it seemed like it could be phrased better. I wasn't sure if it's a normal thing to say and "sweet chit-chats" sort of implies the same thing.

Considering I'm not always right, should I really keep editing the wiki or is it preferable if I just keep posting things that seem wrong here as I've been doing up until now?

>> No.1712  

Maybe it's best that you post things here like before. Direct wiki editing is only useful when there's extensive editing anyway.

>> No.1716  

s013 <088E> =It's the start of new week.
=It's the start of a new week.

>> No.1718  

Yurin Yurin has declared that the official spelling of エリス is "Eris".

>> No.1719  
File: Capture11-Sep-12-08.59.52.png -(31084 B, 539x448) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here is a screenshot for reference.

>> No.1738  

s003 <A3A1> =As soon as the lesson was over, I gathered up my lunch and snuck out of the classroom.
=As soon as the lesson was over, I gathered my lunch and sneaked out of the classroom.

>> No.1739  

Thank you, I fixed it.

>> No.1769  

I am k01, Sonohana fun. I reached here form AXYPB's introduction.
I played beta patch 30/08/2012. The patch is great job.
I am Japanese and living in Japan. My english is not good, so I report about Japanese local matter and beta's impression compare to original.

OS is windowsXPSP3-JP. Original SH8 is already installed, so I make backup copy folder and run patch exe.
Both version can be run.
Beta is normally executed and reach to happy end. I tested only once, right selected route.

*** 'Lumi[e/è]re Nova' problem is occur same as written here. PC itself can display [è] normally in Japanese utf-8 font.
At first, I expected game system keeps compatibility shift-JIS and utf-8, then Japanese windows .....failed.
I can't guess the reason.

*** s001 <176D> 'Shizuku-Gozen'
The meaning of Gozen is Rika-san already written. But Gozen 御前 is sometimes appealed in girls/yuri novels and comics. Princess/Lady/Your Highness??
I guess the origin is a famous historical woman called Shizuka-Gozen 静御前 in 12th century.
In Maria sama ga miteru, Kanina Shizuka (Rosa-canina) is sometimes called Shizuka-Gozen.
Voice actress Ito Shizuka 伊藤静 also called Shizuka-Gozen.
I guess Shizuku-Gozen 雫御前 is also refer to Shizuka-Gozen.
The Usage in SH is same as 'Lumière Nova', 'Rosa-Gigantia', 'Étoile' or something like honorific as Rika-san wrote.

But I feel Roma-ji 'Gozen' is hard to recognize also for Japanese.
I feel Milady is better? Or 'Shizuku-Gozen (Milady Shizuku)' at first time only.
s014 <7A5C> 「雫御前の寝顔を..... =「Seeing Milady Shizuku's sleeping face ...

*** Japanese name order
s001 <4AB2> それで名字が粢なのね。=That explains the Japanese last name,
s001 <823B> でも、わたくしも名前で呼ぶのだから... =Well, since she asked me to call her by her first name, ...
Here is a Japanese name rule 'sir name first'. In case of Eris, which is correct? or necessary to determine?

*** about sexual words
Sonohana 8 and 10 are strictly no sexual slang.
Especially, Shizuku never says sexual word [except for clitoris.]
In other Sonohana series, 'あそこ asoko' is usually translated to pussy. But in SH8 & 10, 'there' 'here' or something not etchi word. She never says pussy, vagina, tits, nipples, ........EXCEPT FOR CLITORIS. (If I could, I want to ask Jun the reason.)
I feel 'having sex' is too strong compare to エッチ 'doing etchi'.
I am making Shizuku's inhibited word list(for SH10 also).

*** about HIRAGANA words
When Shizuku says foreign words, technical terms or new words like TSUNDERE, they are often written ひらがな HIRAGANA instead of カタカナ KATAKANA.
Tsundere is written つんでれ instead of ツンデレ.
てくにっしゃん technisshiyang ?
This rhetoric means Shizuku is not familiar to the word.
How to deal with it? I don't know about game system and fonts, I have no idea to clear the expressions.
(I don't want to know Shizuku's English exam.results. Is she really honers student? Or honers student 50 years ago?)

Over all SH8 & 10, many Japanese historical or traditional things and rhetoric.
Shizuku is living strictly old style, sometimes anachronic.
At the next SH10, I want to attend from the project start.

Sorry, long comment.

>> No.1770  


>*** 'Lumi[e/è]re Nova' problem is occur same as written here. PC itself can display [è] normally in Japanese utf-8 font.

The text engine uses codepage 932, which does not include accented Latin characters. There is no workaround for this short of hacking the program to force it to use UTF-8, which I'm not sure is possible.

>*** s001 <176D> 'Shizuku-Gozen'

I reasoned that this should be kept as written for the same reason that all other honorifics are kept. I would try to find a way to localize the nearby dialogue that would explain this concept to foreign readers.

>*** Japanese name order

Eris' name is spoken in Japanese name order, so it is kept here.

>*** about sexual words
>*** about HIRAGANA words

I'd like more input on these questions from the other editors myself.

>> No.1771  

Thank you for quick reply.
I understand the situations.

I mean shift-JIS is codepage932 (Microsoft shift-JIS 1997 or 2003?).
Many Japanese programmers attacked by this issue, please leave it alone for your health.
From 0080 to 00FF is death zone.

>> No.1772  
>I would try to find a way to localize the nearby dialogue that would explain this concept to foreign readers.

Or leave it hanging until the point where Eris asks about it anyway. Might be a little more natural as long as it doesn't sound like an infodump but it takes a while to reach that point.

>*** about sexual words

This irked me a bit too. Shizuku's entire hat is her being an old fashioned and well mannered Yamato Nadeshiko to the point where she has to put in an effort just to drop the honorifics with Eris. And yet she uses sexual slang like it's nothing, making her less reserved then for example Nanami. Doesn't really fit the character.

>> No.1774  
>Or leave it hanging until the point where Eris asks about it anyway.

Practically I agree.
TLs' and TLCs' had some misunderstanding, that's why I explained. Players are not necessary such a trivia. And TL and TLC only know Gozen is not ancient dead words, It's enough.

About Shizuku's speaking, I noticed from voice. Speaking and script are same meaning but much different. If I red script only, I also never noticed because meaning is correct.

In SH10, the gap is wider and Shizuku become 'TSUN is clean, DERE is dirty' Gap Moe.

>> No.1797  

Thanks for the input, k01.


In order to decide whether to keep or use an English equivalent, I'd like a clarification about what you said:

>Roma-ji 'Gozen' is hard to recognize also for Japanese

I understand it as "Japaneses don't recognize 'gozen' but they recognize '御前'", is that correct? Or do you mean most Japanese also don't know the term '御前' since it's too ancient and need to look it up?

Even though Shizuku explained her "gozen" title to Eris in s002, the explanation is about why she was called that, instead of what it means. So that isn't a good excuse to overlook "gozen" TL.

If we choose to go with being consistent, that is preserving all Japanese name suffixes like AXYPB said, then I'd like to change "Mother Mary" into "Maria-sama". Personally I'd prefer this option more. Currently we're not very consistent at all.

>about sexual words

I agree that the TL should always be faithful if a character is using "there", "that place", etc. I haven't played further than script 7 so I don't know how the later sex scenes TL are, but I already changed things like 陰部 to "private part" instead of "vagina" during TLC of s007. I'll fix more when I get to later scripts.

>about HIRAGANA words

AXYPB, is it possible to use 2 different fonts in the scripts? If it's not possible, I'll put the hiragana of foreign words in between < > sign.

>At the next SH10, I want to attend from the project start.

Do you mean you want to be a translator?

>> No.1808  


>I'd like to change "Mother Mary" into "Maria-sama". Personally I'd prefer this option more. Currently we're not very consistent at all.

I see this as a translation of a multi-cultural concept rather than that of a name or honorific. By this line of thinking, 神様 should not be translated either.

>AXYPB, is it possible to use 2 different fonts in the scripts? If it's not possible, I'll put the hiragana of foreign words in between < > sign.

This is not possible. Additionally, using half-width characters and full-width characters in the same line may cause spacing issues. If you decide to do this, you'll need to space the lines in question manually.

>> No.1809  


>I see this as a translation of a multi-cultural concept rather than that of a name or honorific.

All right, I can accept this reasoning.

>This is not possible.

< > sign it is then. If it doesn't look good in the actual patch, we can think of something else.

>> No.1812  

I don't know the context, but "Mother Mary" isn't used as much by Catholics as "the Virgin Mary." If the address is personal, as if the character is speaking to Mary, then you could go with "Mother Mary." But if it's simply in reference ("I prayed to _____," "a statue of _____"), consider "the Virgin Mary."

>> No.1816  

Saluki, AXYPB

Thank you for reading my selfish thought.


>I understand it as "Japaneses don't recognize 'gozen' but they recognize '御前'"

Right, I think so.

My proposal is I wrote above,
Only first time s001 <176D> -> 'Shizuka-Gozen (milady Shizuka)',
anothers are left as 'Shizuka-Gozen'.
I think it is enough and keeping consistent. Players do not need to know more.

>sexsual words

If they are consistent, it is OK.
I played beta 31/8/2012, TLC have been done to s006.
After TLC check s007-end, I try to check the defference between speaking and scripts.

>about HIRAGANA words

I read translations (text) again, someone ignore, someone write "....", someone write .....
This issue also consistent is OK. Is Capital ( TECHNICSHIAN TSUNDERE RUMIEERU-NOBA ) strange?

>>At the next SH10, I want to attend from the project start.
>Do you mean you want to be a translator?

When I wrote it, yes I did.
But as you know.... my English is not correct and far from 'standard American English'.
Perhaps translation checker or test player (compere scripts to voice) is better to me.

Once AXYPB said Sonohana is a game, it is not literature masterpiece.
I remind that and now I agree and sorry to confused translators.
In SH8, Eris and Shizuku play Hanafuda card game. But Hanafuda is usually gamble, it is not for suitable to Lady Shizuku.
(Of course Eris can not notice.)
Japanese player can feel something strange and the fact lead to SH10's ending, but such a things are far over from localization.

>> No.1819  


>Only first time s001 <176D> -> 'Shizuka-Gozen (milady Shizuka)', anothers are left as 'Shizuka-Gozen'.

Yeah, we can do that.


Capital words usually denote shouting, so they're not suitable for this subtle katakana/hiragana difference.

>But as you know.... my English is not correct and far from 'standard American English'.

It's fine. TLCs and editors are supposed to smooth out English, if they don't understand something they can discuss with you. Currently SH10 doesn't have any active translator, so everyone would appreciate your help.

Please give it a thought, and if you decide to be a translator for SH10, here are the scripts: http://wiki.yuriproject.org/lily_platinum.

>> No.1843  

It has been a long time since I last visited this site because of RL matters, and I wasn't aware of the issues behind the staff until recently. But now that I have some more free time, I'll get back to work with this.

I have read and taken note of the issues k01 mentioned and am going to look through everything again, applying the stuff agreed upon in this discussion. Hopefully, we can prepare a patch for a non-beta release very soon.

About the Hanafuda thing and other cultural nuances: the company Manga Gamer often includes a pdf file explaining these issues. Granted, it's not perfect, but I think it's the best we can do to avoid taking away from the reading experience with obtrusive in-game explanations.

If you're planning on translating SH10, then by all means, go ahead! We TLC and editing staff will take care of the polishing.

>> No.1845  

Thank you everyone.
Anyway I'm reading SH8 translations. If I can contribute, I will write here.
Now, I'm training of TL & TLC, (fan-made comics, 'Maidens of Michael' PV's sub(TL by Ralen) etc.)

About SH10, I heard someone (AXYPB?) said SH8 checking is first, is it correct?

>> No.1846  

Yes, I'm checking SH8 for a final release. I'm currently at s003 and fixing any and all errors I find. I think s001 and s002 are now free of problems. After I'm done with SH8, I'll go polish up SH6, and then move to SH10.

So you're translating the books? Thank you for your work.

About the untranslated choices: I don't know where in the script I can get those. I'd like to finish them up as well.

>> No.1847  

After chapter seven is cleaned up, I'll release another beta version.

>> No.1848  

As I'm checking the scripts, I found out that Shizuku actually uses proper words for... these. Examples: 乳首, 恥丘, etc. I decided to keep the translation to health-class levels.

>> No.1849  

13 scripts have been revised. After I finish editing them, I'll produce another beta patch.

>> No.1850  

A new beta patch has been uploaded containing the translation on the wiki as of 26 October 2012, 15:29 EDT.


>> No.1851  

Editing pass for all the scripts are done. We are ready for final release, folks!

>> No.1852  

I'd like for Deltacake and all other available editors to review the scripts first. After that is done, I'll finish the remaining graphics and upload a release candidate, as well as formally announce the patch on Petals' Garden. The release candidate will be available for two weeks, after which the patch will be officially released if no other issues are discovered. Thank you all again for all your work.

>> No.1855  

I'm reading SH8 script♪
Izumi Ayaka (voice actress of Mai) said when she get the Sonohana script, at first she read as novel in Reo-ppoi Radio ep39. I understand it. It is very Interesting.

I'm not familiar to colloquialism, perhaps I take many mistakes. And I downloaded the script probably before @fkeroge-san's editing.
Please allow I point out wrong.
I start from the last section s018.


<0D8C> 結局二度寝したエリスを襲ってしまった格好で
= I managed to rouse Eris from her slumber,
#here is sexual meaning. The meaning of 襲う includes some of 'I raped Eris' .
-> I attacked Eris from her slumber, ???

<14AE> 「今まで無遅刻無欠席だったから I've never been late before,
-> I've never been late or absent before,
#Is it necessary? only late is enough?

<1A19> 「まあ……そうじゃなくても、担任の先生に遅刻した報告は、しなければなりませんけど」=「Well... even if that wasn't the case, our homeroom teacher would still have to report our lateness.」
-> we wold still have to report our lateness to our homeroom teacher.

<2788> 「遅刻したお陰で、珍しい物が見れました」=「But thanks to us being late, I got to see something interesting.」
-> 'But' will be eliminated.
# I feel 'But' is strange here. I feel, and Japanese sentence itself, it is not contradictory conjunction.

<2A90> 出たのは、事務の人だった。=One of the office ladies came out.
-> A office lady answered the intercom.

<2B1E> 事情を説明して、正門を開けてもらう。=Explaining our situation, they opened the gate for us.
-> I asked her to open the gate

<2BC1> 「まずは職員室に来て下さい、ですって」=「Please go to the staff room first.」
-> 「"Please go to the staff room first." she said.」

<3096> tree-lined road
-> Is 'avenue' strange?

<3285> here
-> 'tree-lined road/avenue' is better, I feel.

<35B5> 「あ……そうでした。この並木を見ていたら、走る事をすっかり忘れていました」=「Oh, right. I was so lost in thought, I completely forgot we were in a hurry.」
#Umm, meaning is same, it is a issue of expression.... I try to exchange Japanese each word,
-> Oh, right. I'm looking around the trees, I completely forgot running.

<3A20> 強がっているのが分かっちゃうくらい、顔が熱くなってきている。=My face heated up, exposing my facade.
-> My face heated up, exposing my 'bluff/pretending to be strong' to facade.

It is too long than I expected. Is it better to make some zipped text file?
I don't want to touch scripts itself. My bad English needs to edit again.

>> No.1856  


<55F1> エリスの魅力に負けて、布団に押し倒した。=I pulled down the futon, surrendering to her charm.
-> I pushed Eris down on the futon,....
#i.e. I pulled down the futon. = 布団【を】引き出した。

<5724> 「わたくしを、こんな風にしたのは、エリスですからねっ」=「You're the one who did this to me, okay?」
->You're the one who makes me like this, okay?
#わたくし【を】 i.e. You did this to me. = わたくし【に】こんなことをした。

<6780> 「こんな風に【先っぽ】を尖らせて、感じてくれるなんて嬉しいです★」=「I'm so happy to be able to make your nipples feel so good like this.」
nipples -> tips
# Indeed, 乳首、恥丘、陰部 are appered. but most of them are in the dialogs (of course except for Eris said). In case of speaking, and original Japanese is not direct expression, then I still think indirect expression is better.

<790E> 「ま、またそういう、直接的な事を……」=「Y-You're so blunt...」
# 直接的な事を strait, directly saying :-)
# it is little bit different from blunt, I feel.

<7B92> 隙を作ると、すぐ。=As soon as I opened my mouth, Eris attached herself to my lips.
#test translation:
-> If she has a chance, Immediately Eris attach her lips to me.
#In this case, éš™ means Shizuku's weak point/defect, it's not a gap/clearance.
#唇をくっつけてくる/エリス :Inversion of the word order in a sentence.

<9B9E> そうして、強く、抱きしめてくれた。=I hugged her tightly.
-> She hugged me tightly.
# opposite! 抱きしめてくれた : passive

##The passive sentence without subject, it's difficult to read. I feel Jun use it more than Sano.
##Please be more careful about passive expression, inverted word order. In many sentence in this translations, subject and object are exchanged.
# I decide to check carefully all scripts, and I temporary stop writing result on this board. Please indicate how to send my check results.

>> No.1857  

While the term "osou" may have some connotations of "attack," I decided that in the context of the previous scene that the meaning would be implied to the audience. I try to avoid being vulgar because of Shizuku's personality.

> I've never been late or absent before,

Oh, I missed this. Thanks.

> we wold still have to report our lateness to our homeroom teacher.

I'll fix it right away.

><2788> 「遅刻したお陰で、珍しい物が見れました」=「But thanks to us being late, I got to see something interesting.」

But is used here like how one would use "however." It's not really a contradictory conjunction, but a conjunctive adverb. It's proper to use "however", but that would sound too stiff. Removing "but" would make the transition from the previous line to the next pretty weird when read.

> An office lady answered the intercom.


> I asked her to open the gate


<2BC1> 「まずは職員室に来て下さい、ですって」=「Please go to the staff room first.」
-> 「"Please go to the staff room first." she said.」

>tree-lined avenue

It seems to have been the standard so far, so I guess I just missed it.

><35B5> 「あ……そうでした。この並木を見ていたら、走る事をすっかり忘れていました」=「Oh, right. I was so lost in thought, I completely forgot we were in a hurry.」

This is fine as it is. Works well in English, too.

>My face heated up, exposing my 'bluff/pretending to be strong' to facade.

"My face heated up, breaking down my facade."

Thanks for looking at the script, K01. I think we can learn from each other here.

>> No.1858  


> I pushed Eris down on the futon,....


><5724> 「わたくしを、こんな風にしたのは、エリスですからねっ」=「You're the one who did this to me, okay?」

This is a case of liberal translation. "You're the one who made me like this" is less plausible in actual English conversation than the former, so we had to make compromises.

>nipples -> tips

This is a mistake on my part. I must have missed it. It's hard to make this line not sound awkward, so I just omitted the explicit word altogether. It doesn't lose meaning anyway. Please not that we're not aiming for a literal translation.
#"I'm so happy to be able to make you feel so good like this."

>it is little bit different from blunt, I feel.

Now that I think about it, yes it is. Hmmm... "you're too honest" works.

> If she has a chance, Immediately Eris attach her lips to me.
>#In this case, éš™ means Shizuku's weak point/defect, it's not a gap/clearance.

Fixed. "As soon as she got the chance, Eris met my lips with her own."

> She hugged me tightly.


Thanks again for the trouble.

>> No.1860  
>I think we can learn from each other here.

Yes yes.
I learn from you very much. Thank you.

Your fix on s018, I understand and it's reasonable Japanese point of view.

>>襲ってしまった While the term "osou" may have some connotations of "attack," I decided that in the context of the previous scene that the meaning would be implied to the audience.
>I try to avoid being vulgar because of Shizuku's personality.

I see.
But another case, as I wrote next comment, it is much different between Shizuku's speaking and dialog. She is 100% tsundere girl. :-)

I'm learning English this several weeks more than school days. Thank you.

>> No.1861  

Thanks again.
Probably you don't need my grammatical explain, I apologize.
Your fix is very fast then can I continue here?
(It's Sunday midnight JPN time. I will be slow down.)

>> No.1863  

You don't have to worry about time. Our time zones are only one hour apart. So if you have to sleep, please do.

>> No.1864  


>I'd like for Deltacake and all other available editors to review the scripts first. After that is done, I'll finish the remaining graphics and upload a release candidate, as well as formally announce the patch on Petals' Garden. The release candidate will be available for two weeks, after which the patch will be officially released if no other issues are discovered.

Yes, let's do this.

>> No.1865  
File: sr10.png -(1923674 B, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Is this acceptable for the translation credits?

>> No.1866  

Not sure the 'Production/Writing' above the Fuguriya logo is necessary.

>> No.1867  

Looks good to me.

>> No.1869  
File: sr09.png -(1923674 B, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This was carried over from the previous credit page. I inserted general translation credits there. If it's preferred, I can remove the Fuguriya logo from the final page and dedicate it to the English translation credits.

>> No.1870  

Almost forgot, we need a concensus on 聖ミカエル女子学園 translation.

Last time this was bring up, it was agreed to be changed to "St. Michael's Girls' Academy" or "St. Michael's Academy for Girls". Either is fine with me, so I'd like to hear more opinions.

>> No.1871  

I would like to change the translation to "St. Michael's Girls' Academy" as that's a more direct translation. However, I hesitate to do this without the general consent of the fanbase.

>> No.1874  

Is someone living in east coast of USA? Are you OK?

I can't feel the deference between the two names. I can only say Sonohana (2006-) is clearly refer to "Lillian Girls' Academy" (Maria sama ga miteru 1996-).

I continue TLC.

s010 - s016:
I found no subject-object exchanged. Perhaps translators are tired in last 2 segments..?

  • s010
> - <7AA7> 「親は週末、地方で公演があるから、家に家族はいないのです。わたくしはひとりっ子ですし」=「My parents are going to be at a show in the country this weekend, so I'll be all on my own.」

so I'll be all on my own. -> and I'm an only child.

> - <8B3F> 「銀盤の妖精のよう。貴女の白い肌が、より白く見えますから」=「You're like a fairy from a frozen lake. It makes your white skin seem even paler.」

# 銀盤の妖精 means figure skaters usually, and sometimes the word means only Janet Lynn, Sapporo Olympic bronze medalist.
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janet_Lynn
# How to translate.. is it better to leave as is ?

> - <EAA6> 「姫始め」=「"First time".」

# meaning is "First time of new year".

  • s011


# Hanafuda card game's terms are like magic spell, but in SH8 it's ok.
# In SH10...many old childish games ...maybe headache.
#for reference :-)
# Please image bridge, poker or mahjong.
# In this scene, probably they open the hand each other (or at least Eris open).
# *inosikachou : 'boar-deer-butterfly'
# *sanko : 'three-lights' likes three-card of Ace.
# *hanamizake : 'Cherry-blossom viewing' = A card "with a lot of cherry blossoms" and a "sake cup" card.
# Shizuku already exposed "hanamizake" to field, then Eris can not get the "a lot of blossoms" card.
# The "a lot of blossoms" card is one of "Ace" that Eris needs to make "sanko".

  • s012
>- <4C17> 「じゃあ、雫とえっちなことをしても気付かれないわね」=「Oh, so they wouldn't notice if I had sex with you.」

# えっちな、ことをする(do something erotic/naughty) ≠ えっちする/えっちをする (slang: have sex/make love)
-> if I did something erotic with you. (...It's not natural I know ...)

>- <5B1D> 「いつも思うのだけど、シズクは冷たいわ」=「You're always so cold, Shizuku.」

-> I always think, you're cold, Shizuku.
# Eris didn't say 'Shizuku is always cold', I think.

>- s013 <39ED> 素振りの練習。=Time to practice how.

-> I exercise swing of my arm.
# 素振り= 1. (SOBURI) behavior/attitude. *2. (SUBURI) Practice swing of the bat/sword.


> - <7873> 「霧島さんも、少し休んだから帰っていいわよ」=「Once you've rested, you can head back, Kirishima-san.」

-> you can go home
# I wonder which is better 'you can head back' or ' you can go home'
# It is related to below comment (Deltacake-san?). It is Sonohana writers' lack of knowledge, I think. but how to translate? They make love just after this.
##- <73F9> 「貧血……」=「Fatigue...」
##It has always been bothering me that "貧血 (hinketsu)" is always translated as anemia. Anemia is a serious medical condition caused by a low RBC count or low hemoglobin levels. I think "hinketsu" in its most common usage mostly refers to lightheaded-ness caused by stress or hunger, so fatigue would be much more appropriate.

# And I suspect 少し休んだから is mis-input. -> 少し休んだら or 少し休んでから-> You get some rest and you can go home ...

> - <A69E> 「エリスの事は、本当にお慕いしているのに、気持ちを上手く伝えられないんです」=「Even though I really want to show that I love you, I can't convey my feelings properly.」

->Even though I really love you, I can't convey my feelings properly.
#お慕いしている is simply 'I love you'. ...the issue of expression?

  • s015
> - <789D> 「シズク……ありがとう、親切にも程があるわよっ」=「Shizuku... thank you, you're so kind.」

#is the previous sentence supposed to sound weird?
#I think it has a couple of grammatical errors, but I'm not very sure.
## The comment is correct. **にも程がある means 'It is too bad about **'. This idiom is only used for bad thing (There 's proximity to the **).
## So, next sentence Shizuku says <794C> 「どんな日本語なんですかそれは……」=「What kind of Japanese was that...?」
## It's Eris's joke or emphasise.

  • s016
> <24C7> 『シズクー』=「Shizukuu.」
> - <2552> 「しばらくこのままにさせて……」=「Just let me stay like this...」)
> <25F0> 『このままって……』=「Like this...」
> <2682> 『ふぅむ……』=「sigh」
> <270E> 『分かったわ』=「All right.」

# 『』kagi-kakko displays Eris' voice is heard through the futon.
# If 『』is allowed, 『』 is better.
# There is no voice but 「」 , is it okay for game system?
<24C7> 『シズクー』=『Shizukuu.』
- <2552> 「しばらくこのままにさせて……」=「Just let me stay like this...」)
<25F0> 『このままって……』=『Like this...』
<2682> 『ふぅむ……』=『sigh』
<270E> 『分かったわ』=『All right.』

>- <4CFF> 「ち、ちょっと、どこ吸ってるんですか!」=「W-Wait, where are you sucking?!」
>- <4DA5> 「シズクの弾力あるおっぱい」=「Your bouncy boobs.」
>- <4E40> 「誰も吸ってる場所なんか聞いてませんっ」=「I've never heard of people sucking that place.」
>- <4EE6> 「場所を聞かれたから答えただけなのに……日本語って難しいわ」=「You asked, so I answered... Japanese really is difficult.」

# <4E40> meaning 「No one ask you the place you're sucking!」
# (<4CFF> Shizuku's meaning 「Stop!, what are you doing?」)
# The meaning can be red as is?
test translation
- <4CFF> 「ち、ちょっと、どこ吸ってるんですか!」=「W-Wait, where are you sucking?!」
- <4DA5> 「シズクの弾力あるおっぱい」=「Your bouncy boobs.」
- <4E40> 「誰も吸ってる場所なんか聞いてませんっ」=「No one ask where you are sucking!」
- <4EE6> 「場所を聞かれたから答えただけなのに……日本語って難しいわ」=「You asked, so I answered... Japanese really is difficult.」

>> No.1875  

Thanks for looking at the scripts as always.

> - <7AA7> 「親は週末、地方で公演があるから、家に家族はいないのです。わたくしはひとりっ子ですし」=「My parents are going to be at a show in the country this weekend, so I'll be all on my own.」

I think the TL's point here is that "so I'll be on my own" will fit the conversation better than "I'm an only child". It has more or less the same meaning. I saw this and decided to leave the line as it is.

>Figure skater

Oh, I see. I learned some new vocab there. Changed the TL to "You're like a beautiful figure skater. And those clothes make your white skin seem even paler."


So this literally translates to "first time for the year," but in what context? Assuming that it's something sexual going by Shizuku's reaction, I think westerners would relate better to simply "first time". Can't really speak for them though. I'm neither a westerner nor Japanese.

>- <5B1D> 「いつも思うのだけど、シズクは冷たいわ」=「You're always so cold, Shizuku.」

What I could gather from this line is something along the lines of: "I've always thought of you like that, but you are indeed cold, Shizuku." Not really an A+ for grammar there, and it's quite hard for me to piece it in English since a Tagalog translation always pops up in my mind first.

> - <A69E> 「エリスの事は、本当にお慕いしているのに、気持ちを上手く伝えられないんです」=「Even though I really want to show that I love you, I can't convey my feelings properly.」

I think the TL took some liberty here. Nothing's wrong with the line, I think. Reads well in English.

>**にも程がある means 'It is too bad about **'. This idiom is only used for bad thing (There 's proximity to the **).

So "Shinsetsu ni mo hodo ga aru wa" means "there is a limit to how kind you should be". Kind of hard to make work in English since this is has some cultural nuance, but I'll figure something out.

I changed it to "Shizuku... thank you. They should put limits on how kind you can be" and "What kind of compliment was that?" to make it sound better.

>If 『』is allowed, 『』 is better.

I think it works. Let's just confirm this with a programmer. For the meantime, let's use that.

>- <4E40> 「誰も吸ってる場所なんか聞いてませんっ」=「I've never heard of people sucking that place.」

This is a really weird part in the conversation. Shizuku clearly asked where Eris was sucking... in any case, in an H-scene before this one, we had one where Shizuku was the one doing the sucking. So the English TL needs reworking.

How about:

  • <4CFF>「ち、ちょっと、どこ吸ってるんですか!」=「W-Wait, what are you doing?!」
  • <4DA5> 「シズクの弾力あるおっぱい」=「Sucking your bouncy boobs.」
>- <4E40> 「誰も吸ってる場所なんか聞いてませんっ」=「Nobody's asking where you're sucking!」
>- <4EE6> 「場所を聞かれたから答えただけなのに……日本語って難しいわ」=「You asked, so I answered... Japanese really is difficult.」
>> No.1876  

I think "St. Micahel's Academy for Girls" works better. "St. Micahel's Girls' Academy" has that redundant feel to it.

>> No.1877  

Thank you for reply and also I study from your comment.

I agree all your decisions but can I ask several question?
My explanations were not enough.

>s010 - <7AA7>
>TL's point here is that "so I'll be on my own"

I agree.
But "Shizuku has no sister or brother" is important information for game player, isn't it?
Or "I'll be on my own" includes that meaning?
(I really don't know such a basic things, sorry)

>Can't really speak for them though.

I agree, so I couldn't propose a sentence. But There is much difference between "first" and "year's first".
Can reader's get nearly same feeling?

>- <4E40>

I agree your sentence.
Players can feel here is a gag that is mentioned to language gap, it's enough.
If it is not strange, I would want to write (this is not proposal),

> W-Wait, where are you sucking?!
> Sucking your bouncy boobs.
> I've never say "where are you sucking?"
> You asked, so I answered... Japanese really is difficult.

... English really is difficult.
My experience of conversations were long but only technical words throwing to each other, these were not sentence. :)
It is far from high school girls.
I'm sorry you spend a lot of time for my pointing trivial.

>> No.1878  

TLC s001-009

  • s001
> <1266> それにしても、こうして行事の題字を書くたびに、見に来る人が増えている気がしますね。=However, every time I wrote someone's name, it felt as if more people than usual came to watch me.

行事の題字 someone's name -> some event's title/banner

>- <156E> 「OGの方も聞きにいらっしゃるのでしょう? 頑張ってくださいね」=「Some of our alumni are attending the concert, are they not? I wish you the best of luck on your event.」
>- <B5AC> 「OGのご家族が高名な画家で……はぁ、はぁ、ちょっと呼吸を整えますので、お待ちいただけますか?」=「One alumnus has several family members who are famous artists, so... pant pant Could you please wait for a moment whilst I catch my breath?」

# OG(old girl)=alumni? alumnus? alumnae? I'm not sure real usage.

  • s002 ~ s004


  • s005 Nothing

# <13014> 彼女にそういう事をされている状況と、乳首が擦れて気持ちいい恥ずかしさに、さっきより体が熱くなってきた。=It felt so good that the embarrassment from having my nipples rubbed in this fashion made my body heat up even more.
##She explicitly uses "乳首" here. -@fk
### Almost all of them(sexsual words) are in dialogs. Sentences with voice are still keep them out I think.

  • s006, s007


  • s008
> <13C8> 意味を取り違えて解釈をされてしまう可能性は高いです。=There was a good chance she'd misinterpret it, forcing me to have to explain it.

# Japanese meaning is "high risk she'd misunderstand it".
# Is "good chance ... force me to explain" same feeling?
## Uuu I'm serious. This is not a question from student to teacher. orz

> - <1B5A> 「あと1時間我慢すればお昼です。我慢してください」=「Lunch is in an hour or so. Please be patient until then.」

an hour -> one period

  • s009

Nothing♪ besides,
## <7574>
##sushi rice with assorted sashimi (raw fish) on top.
### Raw fish is never in lunch box! Sushi is assorted not only raw fish :-)

【HIRAGANA & KIATAKANA (unusual usage) list】
For consistency, I listed up only.

【HIRAGANA words】

  • にっくねーむ nickname
>- <74C0> 「あなたにも、そのような二つ名……ええと、『にっくねーむ』があるそうです」=「You've been given that title... um... nickname, it seems.」
  • るみえーる・のば Lumiere Nova
>s002- <7353> 「え? ……ああ、雫御前ですね。二つ名みたいなものでしょうか。るみえーる・のばと一緒です」=「Huh? Ahh... Yes, Shizuku-gozen. It's an epithet of sorts, I suppose. It's a title similar to Lumiere Nova.」
>s002- <742B> 「るみえーる・のば?」=「Lumiere Nova?」
>s005 <1B37> いや、るみえーる・のば、でしたっけ……=No. Lumiere Nova... isn't it?
  • ちゃんす chance
>s005 <AAEF> そうしてちゃんすを窺っていたら、放課後になってしまった。=By the time I found the chance to do so, school was over for the day.
  • こんびに convenience store
>s008 - <3B44> 「こんびにですか」=「The convenience store?」
> <4FF4> しかも、こんびにのお弁当ですよ?=I mean, she buys her lunch from a convenience store.
> <51D5> 「こんびにのお弁当が、快適な生活の一部なのですか?」=「So having a convenience store lunch is part of your "comfortable lifestyle"?」
> <55B4> もっといいものが食べられるのに、こんびにを使っているという事ですか。=So, she could eat something better, but she chooses to use a convenience store?
> s015- <0B6F> エリスがこんびにで買ってきてくれた、いつかの栄養ドリンクに口をつける。=I was sipping a health drink that Eris had bought for me from the convenience store.
  • テクニシャン
>s015 - <4693> 「そんな事は……これは、なんていうんでしたっけ……てく……てくにっくしゃん?」=「That's... is this what they call... a pro-... 'professor'?」
> - <475F> 「それ、もしかしてテクニシャンの事?」=「Don't you mean 'professional'?」

##a テクニシャン (technician) in this context means 'someone with a high level of skill' -Nice thinking there!
### It's usual expression in Japanese. I'm surprised it is not English origin.
### This sentence refer to s002-<B894> 「気持ちいい……あなた、テクニシャンね」=「Oh, that feels great. You're really skilled with your fingers.」

  • てーまぱーく theme parks
>s015 <77FB> 地方にある、てーまぱーくにですけど。=At least in the countryside, or theme parks.

【KATAKANA words】
◎Eris says ワタシ instead of 私/わたし.
◎When Eris calls Sizuku, every time written in Katakana シズク.
Usually, these expressions means strange (foreigner like) accent or pronunciation. But Oukawa Mio is acting normally.

>s001 >> <0821> 「カンペキな彼女と天然な彼女」=Perfectionist and the Airhead

# section title: カンペキ: emphasize

>s002 - <7170> 「ところで、シズクゴゼンって何?」=「By the way, what's with people calling you "Shizuku-gozen"?」


>- <CAE1> 「既にこのポジショニングだし……大丈夫、ワタシがリードするから♪」=「We're already in this position... Don't worry, I'll take the lead.」
>- <CBA2> 「ぽじ……ま、またお得意の横文字ですか」=「Posi... B-Back to your language forte?」
>- <CC48> 「お得意……」=「Forte...」
>- <CCD5> 「よ、横文字を喋ってびびらせようと思っても、そうはいきませんよ」=「I-If you thought you were going to catch me off guard with English, it won't work.」

#ポジショニング, リード in this position, take the lead
#It is normal Japanese expression, but English version's player can't understand Shizuku's saying "your language forte".
That's all.
I did basically compare translated scripts to Japanese sentences and voice's meaning.
It is better to be done earlier step or first rough translation. Or Japanese - Japanese pre-translation treatment that can Japanese easily attend to, just like pre-processer.
Now, already beta2 is released, this kind of check require editing again, and cause misunderstand expression. I'm sorry.
But I enjoyed. Thank you. Especially thanks @fkeroge.
If allowed, I want to attend SH10 translation or TLC earlier step.

>> No.1879  


>But "Shizuku has no sister or brother" is important information for game player, isn't it?

I think that the message of her being an only child will be conveyed properly by the English TL. With her parents and the maid out, "so I'll be alone" will suggest that she doesn't have any siblings.


I don't know the exact implications of the word, nor the exact English equivalent, but since a native English speaker translated it as "first time", I think it's safe to assume that the meaning gets across.

>"where are you sucking" issue

I think the exchange is fine as it is in English. Sure, it's not perfect, but there is some inconsistency in Shizuku's lines too... I just opted for something equivalent.

>> No.1880  


  • <156E> 「OGの方も聞きにいらっしゃるのでしょう? 頑張ってくださいね」=「Some of our alumnae are attending the concert, are they not? I wish you the best of luck on your event.」
  • <B5AC> 「OGのご家族が高名な画家で……はぁ、はぁ、ちょっと呼吸を整えますので、お待ちいただけますか?」=「One of our graduates has several family members who are famous artists, so... pant pant Could you please wait for a moment whilst I catch my breath?」
>Japanese meaning is "high risk she'd misunderstand it".
>Is "good chance ... force me to explain" same feeling?
>Uuu I'm serious. This is not a question from student to teacher. orz

Uh, the TL kinda modified this line. There is no "forcing me to have to explain it" in the original line. It was just added to better drive a point (and to make the line longer?).

>an hour -> one period

I believe "jikan" means hour, right? If I recall correctly, classes in Japan take an hour each, giving it the same meaning anyway.

Ah, yes. The hiragana and katakana thing. With Eris being unfamiliar with Japanese, and English being totally foreign to Shizuku, I understand that the way the words were written holds some meaning. Unfortunately, since we cannot invoke the same effect with the Latin alphabet, we're just going to have to make compromises. I suggested a .pdf file containing some explanations on cultural nuances, though.

>> No.1881  



Urrr, the meaning is first having sex of new year, January 2nd night. No another meaning. It is not 'implicit'. Eris attacked Shizuku by these words.
But each word itself is not related to this story. if player can guess some pervert thing, anything okay and it must be 2 or 3 words, I know.
Then, I agree to 'first time'.

>時間 jikan = period.

School period is usually called jikan or number-jikanme. It is usual.
Sorry Japanese page, from goo dictionary Japanese - English.
4 〔授業・勤務・休憩などの時〕hours; 〔授業時間〕a period
4-4 英語の時間に
during English class
4-5 1時間目は歴史だ
We have history in the first period.

Of course one period is 45min or 90min, it is called a jikan.

>Hiragana & Katakana

I guess if they have some consistency, it is enough as AXYPB said.
"xxxx" or 『xxxx』 If there are some unified form, it is enough and it makes easier SH10 translation.
So, I only listed them up for editing convenience.
I also never think a game player needs Japanese culture back ground, even though Shizuku and Eris.

Thank you again.

>> No.1901  

I will soon begin working an update for the My Dear Prince translation to support the remake version as the script has been fully revised by @fkeroge, but before I do, I'd like a final decision regarding the name of the school.

Should it be renamed "St. Michael's Academy for Girls"? For the purpose of readability per >>1876, I will put my support toward that translation.

>> No.1902  

Yes, please go a head.

>> No.1934  

I want to report one glitch that happened to me using beta patch - SH8_06092012.exe (I couldn't reproduce it later).

Glitch happened in h scene in shizuku house (when eris was staying over) after one CG game moved me to scene BEFORE they went to shizuku house. And as i said i couldn't reproduce it later.

>> No.1940  



I see. I'll update the translation of this line.
I think the bug you experienced is an isolated case. I played through this visual novel a lot of times with and without the translation patches, using different choice combinations and I never ran into this bug. If it does exist, though, I think it's an issue with the original game, and not with the patch.

>> No.1992  

According to @fkeroge at >>1980:

>I've taken everything K01 noted on SH8 and made the necessary changes to the wiki a long time ago. I really think SH8 is ready for release. I've checked and rechecked the script several times already.

If it is truly ready for release, I can announce this translation as well. However, as I mentioned at >>1852, I would first like another editor, preferably Deltacake, to review the scripts first. Saluki, if you can give the scripts one last check, I'll create the release candidate, provided Deltacake isn't available. I'd like to do this no later than 11 December, so that the release date of the patch falls on Christmas.

>> No.1993  

Go ahead.

>> No.1994  

I asked K01 to give a final check as well. Once I get his approval, I'll announce the patch.

>> No.1995  

I've also checked the points that we discussed.
But I read all scripts again. I think it is OK.
Please go ahead.

>> No.1996  
File: Capture05-Dec-12-11.29.28.png -(672694 B, 806x625) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Release candidate: http://axypb.net/2012/12/05/dyed-with-an-angels-petals-english-patch-release-candidate-1/

The release date is set for 19 December 2012. Bug reports submitted after 11:59 P.M. EST on 17 December 2012 are not guaranteed to be addressed.

>> No.1997  

I have finished my edits for SH6. I will now look through this game's love scenes and improve it where I can. I should be done in a day or so.

>> No.1998  

Played a bit through RC1 and I only found one really small typo thus far: In s015, line <1C02> there are two spaces after 'but'.

I'll be on the lookout for more, but this was the only one I could find for now.

>> No.1999  
File: A Kiss For The Petals QC.txt -(3762 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

There are two kinds of '~' signs present. Is this intentional? One of the '~' signs is smaller than the other, and hangs up in the air, while the other one is a normal '~' sign. I've pointed this out in the text, along with some of the places where this anomal sign occours. If it is intentional, just ignore the parts where I point them out. (I did miss some.)

Also, I had an interesting bug happening to me. In the second to last scene of the game this occoured (nsfw image):


Two black squares appeared out of nowhere for a single message. After that happened this started to happen to all narrative text:


For all narrative text printed past the first line the first letter of that line was printed to the rightmost in the box. Fun!

Check out the .txt attached to this post aswell. (I'm sorry about not looking up the specific line-numbers for what individual lines. Is this something you want me to do?)

>> No.2000  


Same bug happened to me, at the same place, but I couldn't get an image of it.

>> No.2001  


>In s015, line <1C02> there are two spaces after 'but'


>'~' signs
>A Kiss For The Petals QC.txt

Done and done.

>> No.2002  

The line : "I think what you did yesterday was simply inappropriate!" that Eris says should be
"I think what I did yesterday was simply inappropriate!" , because of how she says it and the next line she says.But I could be wrong.

>> No.2014  


>s003 <CAEA> 「昨日は、いきなりあんな行動をとって、申し訳なかったと思ってるわ」=「I think what you did yesterday was simply inappropriate!」

Eris says this sentence.
Then how about

>「I think I'm sorry what I did yesterday was simply inappropriate」
>> No.2017  


Yeah, that could work.But with a comma before "what I did yesterday..".

>> No.2021  


>s003 - <CAEA> 「昨日は、いきなりあんな行動をとって、申し訳なかったと思ってるわ」=「I think I'm sorry, what I did yesterday was simply inappropriate」

(I registered the wiki)

>> No.2028  

After reading the whole scene again, I think this will fit the conversation best:
"I think I should apologize for suddenly kissing you yesterday."
I already made the necessary edits.

>> No.2029  

Thank you following.
It is much better.

>> No.2047  
File: title_p2.png -(85647 B, 576x148) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Release: http://petalsgarden.axypb.net/2012/12/19/sh8/

Thank you all again for your hard work.

>> No.2050  

Archived: http://archive.yuriproject.org/sono_hanabira_8

This thread will be kept indefinitely so that everyone can report bug or translation problem.

>> No.2051  

Thank you all. I've studied much here.
I love Shizuku & Eris.

>> No.2052  

I don't mean to impose on you, but now that this release is completed, you can now turn your focus on Lily Platinum.

>> No.2053  

Although I absolutely love Elis and Shizuku we shouldn't skip SonoHana #9.
Little devil Runa is worth some attention aswell imo.

>> No.2055  

I agree. Lily Platinum has much less progress right now, but I do want to see all visual novels translated.

>> No.2060  

Of course I know. Now I'm working on Risa Miya theater and several fan fictions.
Anyway, I will start SH10 reading.
(For my private reason, I want to attend SH10 rather than SH9.)

>> No.2085  

Ahhh~ Awesome; Good work on the translation everyone and thanks.

>> No.2090  

There's something bothering me with one of the translations, Not sure if it's intentional but it just doesn't feel right...
s007 <55A5> 「ワタシもシズクが大好きよ」=「I love you so much, Shizuku.」
The ワタシも is more of a returning of feelings instead of telling her straight forward.
=「I also love you alot, Shizuku.」

>> No.2098  

Near the beginning of the Two as One section there is a part where Eris is listed as saying: "It feel good just kissing you, Eris..." I missed whose voice it was, but either that should be Suzuku (spelling incorrect) saying it, or if it is Eris talking she should be saying Suzuku's name.

>> No.2422  

hey guys so I downloaded this file A Kiss For The Petals - Dyed with an Angel Petals English Patch version labled " SH8_en_v1" and when I click next it says choose source location, specifiy the location of HANA8.exe etc. and I cant find anything, to press next so I can play!! driving me insane what do I do? :C

>> No.2424  


Just navigate to the folder where you've installed the game and chose it, and the patch will translate it.

>> No.3792  

The English translation patch for Dyed With An Angel's Petals has been updated to version 1.1 with the above problems fixed.

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