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File: Capture17-Jan-12-12.51.20.png -(518165 B, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
518165 No.608  

Scripts: http://www.mediafire.com/?k298ocbshsnpko9

Use a text editor to open these UTF files.

Style guide used in past translations:
Stuttering is recorded with one letter each.
Keep the case of the first letter throughout each stutter.
Six dots maximum in groups of three, except in long transitions.
Use past tense to describe events that are happening and present tense to state facts or thoughts.
No second person narration.
Avoid stock translations: "It can't be helped", "As expected of...", etc.
― for trailing off or truncation.
~ or extra letters for extension.
Connect words by ellipses ... only if they're part of the same sentence. Separate by a space otherwise.
Do not strictly follow original punctuation if it makes the translation awkward to read.
Ignore all of the above for vocalizations.
The full name of the school is "St. Michael's School For Girls". The short name is "St. Michael's".

>> No.612  

Is the "-" in front of some lines necessary? They interfere with DokuWiki's syntax, but I'm unsure about removing them.

>> No.613  

Lines beginning with - denote dialogue, which is spaced different from narration. Use code formatting in the wiki to preserve this. In MediaWiki, we used <pre> to keep the text in monospace.

>> No.615  

Test one script, the monospace syntax in DokuWiki is double '

Is it okay if there's an empty space between each line?

>> No.617  

I've already uploaded the scripts using the <file> tag. They're ready for use.

Only lines that begin with an offset and the ":: word wrap line after, characters=50 ::" line are parsed by ArcTool. The original line and the translation must be on the same line and separated by the =. I also recommend copying the 「」 dialogue markers from the original lines to ensure that they're spaced properly when they're compiled, but this may no longer be necessary as it was when I worked on My Dear Prince.

>> No.618  

Thanks, noted down in wiki.

>> No.623  

If this is the second game of Shizuku/Elise, what about the first one that was being worked on by Artful Sacrifice? The blog is deserted, but I guess that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Except maybe the project was abandoned...
Mentioning this because I- and others, probably, maybe- don't want to come in on the story in the middle of it. Also, after saying (D:< mah) Reo is anything less than #1 tsundere of St. Michael's I demand proof.

>> No.625  

If we can't contact the person doing the first game what would you suggest then? And Shizuku is the best tsundere ><

And honestly I can summ up the entire game for you in like a paragraph if you want :P

>> No.626  

Not necessary, but thanks. I can pretty much guess. While diabetes-inducingly cute, Sonohana isn't exactly a masterpiece of complex literature.
My point (and I use the term loosly) was that I'd suggest, if Yuri Project/AXYPB is going to do one of the games, they might as well start with that one. Artful Sacrifice has obviously abandoned it, or if not, a year without a word is sufficient grounds for assumptions. But then, I'm a stickler for doing things in chronological order when it comes to series, so I'm admittedly biased. But hey, Platnium Lily is already going, might as well keep going. And, honestly, I'm happy the games are getting translations at all, but it's disheartening to see projects abandoned silently and especially when several people gladly offered their help. Like the interest in it is dying or something. But what do I know? Not much, that's for sure. This isn't really the place for my whining or ignorant "suggestions", either, so I'll just say "good luck, and thank you very much!" to AXYPB, Saluki, and any other intrepid individuals who take up the cause of delicious tsundere yuri and crawl back in my hole to wait for it, yah?

>> No.627  

I want to release the games in order as much as everyone else. But since one of Hyarare's group member said that SH8 were 90-95% completed (April 2011), I hesitated in finding people translating a game that might be released before they're done, and wasting their effort.

If more opinions agree that SH8 project should be launched, we can do it in parallel with focus on the first game (i.e. I'll ask whether unkind and Liemyx are willing to work on it instead, as well as looking for translators specifically for 8). SH10 won't be closed but rather floating and are free to be translated by passing-by translators who don't want to work on SH8.

>> No.629  

>>626 But what do I know? Not much, that's for sure. This isn't really the place for my whining or ignorant "suggestions"

There's no need to disparage yourself, constructive concerns and comments definitely have a place here.

As an aside, when TLs get made in the wiki, please comment here so that people can go in and proofread them if needed.

>> No.630  

Forgive me for being direct, but I don't take any claims of percent completeness at face value. I do not want to start a redundant project either, but without proof that the translation of it really is that complete, I will have no qualms working on it independently until they tell us we can stop. I have tried multiple times over the last year to contact them and offer all of my resources to no avail, so if the people really want to see the eighth released first in the interest of continuity, I am in favor of suspending this project and beginning a Tenshi no Hanabira Some project ourselves.

That said, I would like to see Kuchibiru to Kiss de Tsubuyaite translated first to complete that arc, but there is less interest for it compared to this one. This is not the first time I have encountered this problem; the translations under my supervision all started out of order and finished at very different paces, but it was coincidence that they were all released in chronological order.

>> No.631  


>I will have no qualms working on it independently until they tell us we can stop

I'd have no qualm either if I am the one who will be translating. Since I'm not, I can't just randomly ask someone else to risk their effort. If the translators are still willing after knowing the situation, I'm more than happy to open SH8.

>I am in favor of suspending this project and beginning a Tenshi no Hanabira Some project ourselves

There might be people who want to work on SH10, I don't see why we have to forbid them. It's against YP definition otherwise.

You can begin SH8 without YP involvement and decide to take over SH10 as well, I really don't mind. All I can offer is finding translators and the methodology of working. I don't agree with closed projects, especially in the world where everyone can disappear from the internet too easily.

Projects on YP are public for a reason. See Hyarare: if only they had let their translation available somewhere, not only they can get TL check suggestion, but also someone who will continue their work once their group went MIA.

>> No.633  

I have an alternative proposal: I want to open translation projects for all of the visual novels without known projects. I kept my own projects private until completion for two reasons:

  1. The reason you stated that anyone can leave without notice and halt the project indefinitely.
  2. I wanted to respect the time of all involved above all and prevent commenters from pressuring them to finish.

I sought to avoid these problems completely by not announcing my projects without complete assurance that it will be finished and disallowing such comments on my blog. After reading your post, I will reconsider my stance on these issues. I had not considered using an open wiki when I started because I began with a largely complete script and enough luck to connect with individuals who had the resolve to see the projects through. I hope that this will not introduce any new issues, but my desire to have the remaining visual novels see translations overrides that concern right now.

>> No.634  

That's a legitimate concern, I know I cringed when reading the comments on Hyarare's blog too. But those are weaknesses of a blog and a closed group (being whined at). An open wiki with clear status progress should be able to avoid that, if Baka-Tsuki or TLwiki is any example.

Please feel free to open a thread for any project you have in mind, I'll help putting information and scripts in the wiki.

>> No.635  


>> No.646  

The newest version of ArcTool now has official support for Lily Platinum.

>> No.703  

As I said in >>690, I started a small group to try and get a bit of this done but it didn't turn out very well.

Since the project is here now, I uploaded what was done so far of the first script. I can't vouch for the quality of the translations (I wouldn't be surprised if some lines make no sense or are partially machine translated) and most of the lines haven't been edited yet, so editing and TLC are definitely needed. However, it's hopefully better than nothing.

The original translators do not wish to be named as of yet, so no need to worry about crediting them.

>> No.1245  

In the event that the wiki goes offline, I keep my local copies of the script on Dropbox at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/el63io35ah91owa/WiI4YbLzYl/10

>> No.1596  

Digging through the pages, it seems as if this project is as good as dead for now. Although my Japanese is beyond amateur, I could possibly translate Cringes a tiiinnnnyyy bit of the script, should it help you guys at all. (No promises on it being 100% correct)

>> No.1601  

They're focusing on the prequel first, so if you want to help you could QC that one.

>> No.1602  

Already on it. :P

>> No.2181  

Hello, guys.
SH6&8 have been released then I try to translate this SH10 from s002.
If someone already started s002, I'll try another.
Is there who already started translation s002?

>> No.2185  

s002 has not been updated in some time, so it should be safe to start there.

>> No.2432  

The wiki page for this visual novel has been relocated to http://wiki.yuriproject.net/wiki:lily_platinum.

>> No.2459  

I have just started work on s002, though I'll be working quite slowly. So you're welcome to work on it as well, and I'll TLC whatever you do.

>> No.2499  

Hey guys, french dude here.
I'm pretty sur that in the line :

  • <441C> 「この部屋こそ純和風、ジャパニズムの結晶よね」=「Now this is what we call la maison de Japonisme!」

"la maison de Japonisme" is false and it should instead be "la maison du Japonisme".
Small correction here but if it can help...

>> No.2518  

I've made the correction.

>> No.2768  

Thank you.
I'm working on Chia-Rin Theater (Sonohana13) and other stuffs.

>> No.2889  

This is to acknowledge that DeltaCake has translated s003.

>> No.2890  

Umm... I translated script 5 for this game and added it to the wiki. Please look over it and make any revisions you deem necessary. There are probably some errors since I went through it rather quickly, but I wanted to contribute to the translation.

>> No.2891  

You need not insert headers for script pages. They serve only as clutter to the page. Please continue translating at the pace you see fit.

>> No.2906  

quick question, how do i change the scripts on the script page? still a noob to this site :(

>> No.2907  


I think you have to have an account for the wiki. When you're logged on there should be an "Edit" button on each page. Klicking it should let you edit the code of the page, which is where you find the script. When changing scripts, look at how the already translated ones are, and try to make it like those.

Just make sure that you aren't working on a chapter someone else is working on. Translating the same chapter twice is kinda unnecessary ^^

>> No.2908  

Long time no post. Just like to confirm / let people know that the 「」 brackets are needed around lines of dialogue, which aren't present in ZeroStar's translation. No biggie, I'll eventually slot them in when I TLC them I guess but just putting it out there.

Also hope to be picking up the pace now that I'm on a break. (currently doing s004)

>> No.2909  

It's easy to add them with sed with the command
s/> 「/&/;T;s/=\(.*\)/=「\1」/
I think that should catch all of the lines. I'll do it for all the scripts.

>> No.2910  

Ah,sorry about that guys. I'm still a beginner at this. >.<" I'll add the bracket things from now on. Oh, and I plan on doing 10 and 11 next.

>> No.2912  

it's alright now, i was going to add 「 and 」that's all

>> No.3200  

So based on what I've read here, some chapters have already been TLC'd. In any case, I went through everything again and did a few alterations, as well as translated some untranslated lines. The latest update here is also quite old. Mind me asking how this is going so far? I have quite a lot of free time for now since I have a lighter unit load at university, and I'd like to dedicate some time t this project.

>> No.3201  

>>3200 I think the last update I read from somewhere (from listlessink?) I think the main translator has left, so it's open for someone else to pick up again.

>> No.3206  

I'm still here, TLCing s009 right now but admittedly not very steadily/quickly. How would you like to proceed?

>> No.3207  

hasn't s009 already been translated?

>> No.3208  

If possible, I'd like to take care of all the TLC/editing so that other people can focus on translating. I know that translation is a lot of work, but given my schedule now, I don't think I'll be able to dedicate time to translating the scripts.

>> No.3225  

I don't mind moving to translating the rest of the scripts, but the only problem is that most of the scripts I've TLCed so far contain significant errors, meaning I've been essentially been doing them from scratch.
I'll commit my progress on s009 and let you take over for now while I translate s013, and we'll see how things go from there.

>> No.3230  

>>3225 If you guys need more people to TLC, I'm able to help as well, although I'll need time to learn how to use the software for this project, although please do tell so I could start learning and probably help out. (Since Shizuru and Eris is my favorite couple)

>> No.3239  

I appreciate you lending a hand, but if possible, I'd like to handle the first editing job on my own for uniformity. TLC is something many people can do without affecting the final product, so I'm fine with getting help with that. If you still plan on helping out with TLC, please feel free to do so, and make sure you record your contributions in the wiki so that we don't do the same job over and over.

>> No.3240  

>>3239 Alright then. But since you prefer to do the first hand editing, I guess I'll wait for you to do them before I can help then? I can go check the previously TLC'd scripts first (and see if there's something I can help with on those ones), unless you're going to check them as well (from the first script)?

>> No.3335  

This is to acknowledge that DeltaCake has translated s014 on the wiki.

>> No.3423  

This is to acknowledge that DeltaCake has translated s015 on the wiki.

>> No.3488  

This is to acknowledge that DeltaCake has translated s016 on the wiki.

>> No.3570  

hmm, guys. i know this post is not related to this game but don't you guys think we should make translation page for the later games? 14 has been out for some while and it still doesn't have a translation page. i would make one myself but i don't know hoow to do so...

>> No.3572  

I've started TLC for this one from the first script and will continue doing so for the rest. I haven't edited a lot (mostly just checked over those that had notes on them), I recorded my contributions as well. :)

>> No.3574  

Thank you for your cooperation. Please continue.

>> No.3586  

I'd like to commend you for your work on polishing these scripts so far. If you would, I'd like to ask you to turn your attention to the scripts for Sweet Grown-up Kisses when you are finished with the scripts that have been translated here.

>> No.3589  

>>3586 I'm not really fond of this pair... but I know that people have been waiting for its release, so sure I'll go and check them up. :D

>> No.3592  

Will you guys release this game before or after the 9th game?

>> No.3612  

is there anyone needed who has photoshop skills or flash skills, I wish I could help so we can get the games out soon. Just got hooked to them.

>> No.3613  

>>3612 Don't think so. The scripts aren't fully translated and there are 2 (?) active translation checkers. So I guess not. There's still Cocytus for you to do? haha

>> No.3614  

>>3613 yes there is! but its hard to do when Kodama is the last of my fav yuri authors...got to cut to the chase and edit. I say it since I am really into the sono hanabira games right now.

>> No.3615  

>>3614 I like kodama cause I relate to her stories. On another hand, we will try our best to release them. Maybe I should prioritize the 9th Hanabira so it could be released soon. ^^

>> No.3616  


>Maybe I should prioritize the 9th

I'd stick with this one. The 9th's couple is not very good or popular.

>> No.3617  

Sorry for bothering, but do you guys have a Launch Date for this game?

>> No.3618  

just because the couple is not popular doesn't mean we shouldn't prioritize it, there will still be some people who enjoy it.

>> No.3619  

That's exactly what it means actually. The goal is to appease as meany people as possible.

>> No.3620  

>>3619 Personally, I'm not a fan of the 9th series, but seeing that the scripts for this aren't completed yet, I don't see anything wrong on prioritizing the 9th one first. ^^

>> No.3632  

We have to finish 10 first! 9 can wait!

>> No.3634  

Having already played both games (9 and 10) I can say that 9 is a lot better.
Lily Platinum is not as good as Tenshi no Hanabira Some was.

>> No.3692  

I don't want to look like I'm forcing you to do this, but seriously is anyone working on this one?
No status report for quite a while now...
Sage because like I said before, I don't want to to bother you.

>> No.3701  

Thank you for the update, now it's only one script left untranslated^^
Thank you for your hard work DeltaCake

>> No.3702  

Thank you for the update, now it's 17/18 scripts translated^^
Thank you for your hard work DeltaCake

>> No.3703  

>>3702 Time to continue proofreading the scripts then.

>> No.3707  

Will it be possible for you to also do the proofreading for translated s017, Hinata?

>> No.3708  

>>3707 At the moment, I think I would be doing the proofreading for the rest of the scripts. ^^

>> No.3714  

I see... Good luck on the proofreading Hinata^^
I really appreciate what all of you have done for translating this game
Sorry I can't be of much help as I only know a little bit of Japanese

>> No.3717  

Any news on this? These translations all seem to be dead...

>> No.3720  

Maybe Hinata still need to do the proofreading for the previous scripts (s009 and s012-s017)
From information on the wiki those scripts hasn't been proofread yet
Let's just hope for the best^^

>> No.3721  

>>3720 I'm only waiting for all the scripts to be translated, then I'll continue Proofreading/Translate Checking them.

>> No.3725  

All scripts have been translated by DeltaCake.

If it would aid in proofreading and translation checking (particularly in checking who speaks each line, as the files themselves do not), I can create a working MSD file with the current versions of the scripts. This will allow you to run the visual novel with an English script, but no graphics will be changed.

>> No.3726  

OK, finally finished TLing the last few scripts. From here, I might do a quick check over the TL in other scripts, but I'm not sure about having time for heavy lifting editing so I hope someone can keep that up.
It's been a long wait, with real life interfering and admittedly plain laziness some of the time, but hopefully this project can finally finish.

>> No.3727  
File: sel01_p_10.png -(69690 B, 500x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Please provide translations for the branches.

>> No.3728  
File: sel02_p_10.png -(90604 B, 500x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3729  
File: sel03_p_10.png -(97686 B, 500x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3730  
File: sel04_p_10.png -(111065 B, 500x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3732  

Please discuss new projects in the general discussion thread or open a new one. In addition, this visual novel doesn't appear to be an 18+ work, so it should be discussed in the Safe board.

>> No.3733  

>>3732 alright, will do.

>> No.3734  



Get her to help


I'll put it on by myself



Please leave me alone to read


Would you like to read with me?



Why not join a club?


Let her decide by herself



I can't wear something like that!


You really want me to wear it that much?

>> No.3735  

>>3726 >>3725 There isn't a problem with me continuing TL-check. There aren't a lot of errors, but I'm quite confident with my grasp of Japanese, so if DeltaCake doesn't have time, maybe my looking over it would be alright for the mean time. Will finish TLChecking by this coming Friday.

>> No.3736  

Hello, I would like to participate in the translations of the SH games, but don't know how .... please i need your help, I really want to help

>> No.3750  

>>3725 I forgot to reply to this, damn it. It'll be a lot of help for me if you could do that. The visuals doesn't matter but hearing the voice and seeing the translation would help a lot. I've added my email on the link box. Just drop me a mail! I have a long weekend starting Thursday, so I should be able to finish the TLC in all of them by then.

>> No.3751  

This is an MSD of the translation as of 15 April 2014.


Make a backup of your MSD file and use the attached MSD in its place. I will replace this link periodically as updates are made to the translation on the wiki. Please do not redistribute this file as it is incomplete.

>> No.3780  

After line 48B8 of scene 7, the game crashes due to a text error after temporarily replacing the original MSD with the current translated one.

>> No.3781  

Do you have a save file from immediately before that point?

>> No.3787  
File: hanabira10error.png -(688894 B, 806x591) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This actually seems to happen regardless of which MSD I use, so I'll redownload the game and see if the crashing changes.

>> No.3788  
File: hanabira10texterror.jpg -(159871 B, 833x625) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Redownloaded and got the program to work okay so the MSD itself is fine. There's some leftover japanese text on the English MSD at scene 17 A03F.

>> No.3791  
File: 2014-05-08_142851.png -(568305 B, 806x625) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thank you for your input on the program crashing. I will continue investigating that.

Additionally, after examining the MSD file in a hex editor, it appears the second line here is separated with a control code that ArcTool didn't detect, and therefore the line was kept intact after inserting the new text. I manually hacked this line out of the file and compiled a new MSD without it. Continue testing and updating the wiki as needed should more issues like this arise.


The complete line, for translation purposes, is:
<A03F> 揺るぎない彼女の愛を、実感させてもらおう。 ………………ふと、そう思いました。

Please provide a new translation for this line if needed.

>> No.3793  

>>3791 I haven't checked over these scripts yet, just the last 4 is left anyway, and that line is indeed missing. Anyhow, this should suffice for now for a translation.

>揺るぎない彼女の愛を、実感させてもらおう。 ………………ふと、そう思いました。
>> Then, I'll be sure of her unwavering love... I just... suddenly came to me.

For the last part, I know it sounds awkward, but you can choose between the ff:

> I just suddenly thought of it.
> Suddenly, I thought so. (Literal translation, I think this sounds okay).
>> No.3798  

Does somebody still have the MSD File, becaus the Server seems to be down.

>> No.3800  

I've mirrored the MSD here until my website is repaired.

>> No.3806  

This is an MSD of the translation as of 24 May 2014.


>> No.3811  

Hi, this post is to inform you that I have finished TLC-ing and Editing all the scripts. I also added the missing line translation that was discussed in the thread.

>> No.3816  

Thank you very much for your work. I am currently focusing on preparation of a preliminary release for Sweet Grown-up Kisses, so I will review these scripts at my earliest convenience.

>> No.3817  

>>3816 No worries! I'm sure everyone's waiting for SonoHana9 right now. Oh, I'd like to ask, are there any status on who would be translating Maiden's of Michael, that's next, right? (Sorry if this is OT <<)

>> No.3820  

Ralen intends to begin translation on Maidens of Michael after finishing his current project. He predicts that he will not be able to start on it for several weeks, however, and hasn't given a more precise timeframe.

>> No.3831  

Can you please make a new MSD file? I don't think that one was fully up to date (nor is it up to date now). The first line of s010 (First Date) in the MSD file is different to the first line of s010 on the wiki, and it apparently hasn't been edited since April. O.o?

>> No.3832  

This is an MSD of the translation as of 8 June 2014.

>> No.3833  

Thanks, but I think that MSD is still a bit outdated. o.o When I load that MSD into the VN, The first line in "First Date" is "Ah… today is also a fine day.". However, on http://wiki.yuriproject.net/lily_platinum:s010 the line is "Ah… today is a fine day too.".

I prefer to proofread in the game rather than on the wiki since I can't observe graphical glitches on the wiki.

>> No.3834  

At some point, my local copies of the script and the version on the wiki became desynchronized. I made automated corrections to formatting and forgot to upload them to the wiki after s007. For the sake of consistency, I've reverted my own copies to the wiki versions.

This is an MSD of the translation as of 8 June 2014.

>> No.3876  

are the translation finished for Lily Platinum?
i saw at http://wiki.yuriproject.net/wiki:lily_platinum
it looks like it finished,if so can you please make the MDS and link?

>> No.3877  

Nice idea. But if it's being prepared for final release, then waiting for it would be better instead. The painful wait is something that everyone is going through, so please be patient.

>> No.3906  
File: Capture_2014_07_15_01_51_26_247.png -(436100 B, 813x631) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

got this error at this scene.
i was using latest MSD .

>> No.3907  
File: Capture_2014_07_15_02_00_59_632.png -(440988 B, 813x631) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

looks like there's something wrong with MSD file after that point. i get this error when i save a point using original MSD and trying to play it from that save point using english MSD

>> No.3911  

Can you upload save files near where these errors occur?

>> No.3913  

first save is just before the first error.

>> No.3914  
File: 2.png -(535338 B, 1152x648) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Tested here showed the same problem daniel. See the picture.

>> No.3915  

AXYPB, I was using the last MSD.

>> No.3925  

ok so the saves uploaded work with the version of the MSD i have :


If the file does fix it, it may be an issue with the s017 or s018 scripts good luck.

>> No.4499  


Worked, thanks you!

>> No.4508  

sorry for the extremely late reply.

yup, your MSD works, it seems like the script then

>> No.4509  


Ok when I get a bit of free time I'll figure out what line it is, I'm not sure. If the MSD I uploaded had the las test scripts inserted, it's been a while since I checked up on it sorry -_-'

>> No.4510  

And apparently no sleep isn't helping with my spelling and grammar, I'll try and look into it tomorrow

>> No.4582  

are you guys still working on this? or did you stop because you lost interest?

>> No.4659  


>> No.4667  

Hi there! First of all, thanks for all your hard work. And I want to ask: have you dropped this project, or are you still going at it (including the rest of the series?)

>> No.4669  

i think nobody is going to answer... :(

>> No.4673  

Hey, relax man. Script tranlastion is completed. Duno when they release final patch, but if you want that badly read this vn with english subs, download this

>> No.4676  

omg thank you so much! :D

>> No.4792  

any word on an update? I need this in my life

>> No.4802  

just download this http://www.mediafire.com/download/fw0yjjtkaggsf7c/MSD_temp_fix.rar i downloaded it and there were no problems

>> No.4803  

I think that's just too bad. Almost 95% of the work is already done here, just the final realease is missing

>> No.4817  

Since there script is pretty much complete, and the whole thing just needs a few finishing touches, I just want to find out what exactly needs to be finished and put together for some sort of sensible release. I noticed that, for instance, character names are still displayed in Japanese, and so are menus. Is there anything else?

>> No.4838  

any prediction of when will release?

>> No.4841  


Aside from the visual texts, everything is pretty much complete for a while now. I'm surprised the release hasn't come out sooner.

>> No.4842  

Since AXYPB is no longer here, I'll lend you a hand. Here you have the file with all the images translated, except for the music and choices. If you like, I'll do the rest. And if someone can do it better, upload the images and I'll insert them into the game.

>> No.4862  

Please do. Three years and it's still not complete, yet we're so close.
Too bad that I can't contribute to this project, but if I could I would definitely help.

>> No.4882  

Where is the game ? the english translation i can´t find anywhere !!!!

>> No.4883  

Javiert239 posted it in links above (it's still not a full translation, music and choices are not translated). Copy that into your Lily Platinum folder. And keep the original if something goes wrong.

>> No.4884  

And here's the MSD file.

>> No.4887  

Here you have the MSD file with all the images translated included music and choices:

>> No.4888  

I forgot to write my name. I upload the file above.

>> No.4894  

Thank you very much!

>> No.4895  

Game is crushing in the second chapter. Need a fix.

>> No.4896  

In what part it crahes? And what error you got? I just tested the game and I didn't have any problem.

>> No.4898  
File: SH10_Error.jpg -(170735 B, 815x638) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

In [Shizuku's Flower] arc. Right before the choices apears.

>> No.4899  
File: Clipboard01.png -(425018 B, 807x633) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Same here. Using your MGD and this MSD

>> No.4900  

Forgot to mention, I tried the same thing with the original MSD, it still crashed.

>> No.4901  

I fixed the MGD. Now should work:

>> No.4902  

Thanks. It's working.

>> No.4903  

It works now, much appreciated.

>> No.4905  

How do i use the patch

>> No.4906  


Copy this >>4901 MGD and this >>4802 MSD to the main folder of the game.

>> No.4964  

Ok, so the script as of >>4802 seems poor and outdated compared to >>3834.
A lot of issues like http://i.imgur.com/EHEROGy.jpg
Tons of lines not fitting, at least one set of dialogue completely missing. Poorer translation/wording in at least two points "It seems that because Eris is so ecchi, I have also become quite ecchi" compared to "Eris being so perverted, seems to have rubbed off on me"

Though AXYPB's MSD in 3834 still has lines that don't fit correctly as show above despite some earlier being fixed. I didn't compare much, just few lines I knew of near save files I had.

The wiki is still down but hopefully over the next few nights I'll be able to go through it again, after finishing up, and see about checking some of this to fix if the scripts on the wiki need it.

>> No.4984  

So I was thinking of going through it to see if I could fix up the text but I was looking at doing this at work when I had time and well, can't with the title/load screen, sex scenes and naked character portraits.

So, can someone please link me the tool to to do the MGD?

>> No.4985  

The images were already translated.
Here is the MGD with thw transalted images:

>> No.4987  

Yeah, I know and I do have it. I just want the tool so I can replace all the NSFW images with a solid colour so I can view those parts of the game at work.

>> No.4990  

Well, it took me a little, but here you have.
I replace all the NSFW images with a white screen. And the naked characters with clothed versions.

>> No.4991  

Ah excellent, thanks mate.

>> No.4992  

Ok so I went through S001-S012 only 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 & 12 needed altering (12 was a pain btw) doing the bare minimum to get the text all fixed and displaying properly. Finish the rest tomorrow I guess.
The game doesn't seem to like the fancy quotation marks and apostrophe's used frequently, replaced those of which that were breaking the text with the standard "" and '. Also those single character elipsis' cause a couple issues with hearts, replaced with...
And one line that I could only fix by removing one of the 4 hearts spread throughout it, removed the first as it seemed least important
Here's the line: 「Afuuun, naaa★ ahan★ I... came...★ Kuu, nfuu... Haan★」

Haven't changed anything on the wiki though.

Also, I wasn't really reading it much but there were a few lines I thought should be rephrased/revised which I guess I'll bring up afterwards. And 2 couple typos (fixed) as well as opening " at the end of a line with the word/s and closing " on the next line, I forgot to fix some so I'll get back to that afterwards. Oh, a couple words, churu, rero and juju, I assume these are untranslated sfx?

And finally, many points were hearts were placed at the start of a new sentence/word rather than the end of the last, also need to fix after fixing all the text. Also think it best to change all quotation marks, apostrophe's and elipsis' to "" ' and ...

Any opinions? Anyone even care at this point? >_>
Actually on that note, it only just occured to me but suppose this gets polished up and actually finished properly, can it be released with AXYPB having left and removing all the other En patches? Not sure how things are in that regard.

>> No.4996  

Can someone translate this line please?
The scripts on the wiki (I check previous versions)only contain a translation of the text after the comma ", Eris' hips shook in response."

Also I may be stuck with this issue:
There is that one fixed MSD but if I use it then I can't make any edits to S017 otherwise it reverts to having the Jp text stuck there.

>> No.5000  
File: SH10 misc script alterations.txt -(2977 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

OK, so I'm finally updating all the scripts on the wiki now.

Fixed missing 「 & 」 from chapter titles. Unfortunately S017's title 「言葉より百万のキスで」=「A Kiss is Worth a Million Words」 cuts off the 」
Fixed all instances of a blank space before & after a 「 and before & after a 」
Fixed all missing 「 and 」 (at least I think I got them all though rather stupid and convoluted search methods >_>).
Added double 「 & 」 (「「example」」) where relevent (two instances).
Changed all ~ “ ” ’ to ~ " " ' for consistency (since the former were breaking things in some places and the tilde sucks).
Several spacing adjustments to get opening " marks onto the same line as the words they encompass.
Fixed a few typos and such.
S017 still has that untranslated line the the irremovable Jp line (that AXYPB hexedited out). I believe the later needs to be the very last change made, needing to be done -after- the MSD has been compiled.

Still have to do a proper read of it, some quote marks I need to space over, SFX that needs to be translated for consistency (there's a line that goes "Chu, kiss...", S006 line 102). Also, although I fixed every spacing issue and such causing glitchy/cutoff text, I need to double check since I replaced all the ~ with ~ afterwards so shrug Also need to look at making all the … into ... since they're quite different with the … being raised off the text floor so to speak and they too are together in the same line sometimes.

The attachment has some specific changes that I noted, probably forgot some though.

Some lines I require opinions on:

> <1A4D> 「さ、さあ、冷めないうちに頂きましょう、エリス?」=「A-Anyway, let's eat before it get's cold, Eris.」
> <1AFD> 「うん、そうね。それじゃ……いただきます」=「Yeah. Then... thanks for the meal.」
> <1BA5> 「……いただきます」=「... Thanks for the meal.」
> #@fk: It really irks me to translate "itadakimasu" this way, but we have no choice here.
> #hinata: what about, "Let's eat!/Let's dig in!" Instead of, Thank you for the meal. And the response could be, "Yes. Let us."

Personally I don't care so...?

> <46AD> 「エリスはスイレンの名前の由来、知っていますか?」=「Did you know that the water lily takes its name from Eris?」
> <489F> 「由来……?」=「Origin...?」
> <492B> 「ハスに似た花が夕方に閉じるから『睡る蓮』つまり、睡蓮という意味になるんです」=「A flower resembling the lotus, which closes in the evening. So it is known as the "Sleeping Lotus". That’s what the water lily means.」
> <49F7> 「そうなの? 知らなかったわ」=「Is that so? I didn’t know that.」

I don't understand this at all, it confused the hell out of me.
My best guess is that the first line should say "Do you know what the water lily takes it's name from, Eris?"
Or alternatively, due to Eris' response: "Do you know where the water lily's name originated from?".

> <7479> そして、放課後になって。=And like that, it was now after school.

Reword it?

> <9592> 「それは、おはじきです。弾いて遊ぶのですが……やってみますか?」=「Those are marbles. You play with it like this... Do you want to try?」
> #actually flat discs, not spheres
> #http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiddlywinks I saw this, I think we should use this translation, but I haven't changed it yet. If I were to suggest, marbles should be changed to 'Winks' like what the wikipedia said. -hinata-

Inclined to agree, whilst I wouldn't know what 'winks' were I could still look it up whereas having marbles, from Shizuku's narrated description of them playing, leaves the scene seeming rather unrealistic.

> <1CCC> 「エリス、どうしていきなり?」=「Eris, why did you come here?」
> <1D5E> さすがに驚きました。=It was indeed a surprise.
> <1DE6> 今夜、エリスを招待しようと思っていたのに、いきなり彼女の方から訪ねて来たのですから。=Although I was going to invite her tonight, she came here so suddenly.
> <1FFA> 「エリス、急にどうしたのですか?」=「Eris, why are you here so suddenly?」
> <209A> 「ウン、ねぇシズク……デートしよう★」=「Yes, hey, Shizuku… Let's go on a date. ★」

1) change to "why are you here all of a sudden?" ???
2) Yes? Uh, sounds incorrect in that it doesn't make sense to me.

> <6023> ずっと下を向いて、プルプル震えているのです。=Her face was done for a while and she began to tremble.

Don't really understand this. Does it make sense to anyone else?

> <A303> 「ちゅる、れろ……んふっ★ 止めちゃイヤ、でしょう? シズク★」=「Churu, rero… nfu★ Do you want me to stop? Shizuku ★」
> <A6CA> 「ちゅる、んちゅ……あぁ、シズクの奥から……ミルクみたいに真っ白なの、出てきた★ じゅる、全部舐めてあげる★」=「Churu, nchuu… Ah, Inside Shizuku… A pure white milk came out. ★ Juru, I'll lick everything. ★」

churu, rero & juru ? Untranslated sfx?
I'm certain there are several other instances of this sort of thing.

> <4620> 「はい。冷たいお茶と、水菓子入りのくず寄せを用意してありますよ」=「Yes. I made some chilled green tea and kudzu jelly with fruit pieces in it.」
> #DeltaCake: kudzu is called Japanese arrowroot in English if preferred

Again, I don't particularly care either way so ?

>> No.5001  

And of course the Japanese in the attached .txt is garbled.
Here we go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7YqXSzvoocNVkxmWFdiU29qazA/view?usp=sharing

>> No.5091  

what ever happened to this?

>> No.5094  

Well, I cleaned it up as best as I could (no more broken text) but never did a final proof-read. There were some things sticking out at me, grammar wise, and a couple lines that didn't make much sense but no-one around to check with :/
IIRC there was also an untranslated line, not sure if it was skipped intentionally for some reason.

>> No.5182  

Anyone have a short tutorial on how to convert decompiled PNGs to MGD format? I want to do some independent work to understand how the format works, but there are some hex characters in the image header that I can't figure out. Does anyone have a tool or something to help me convert from PNG to MGD?

>> No.5220  

>>5094 I'm willing to give it a proof-read. I did SonoHana 9's checking by myself, if you need any authenticity.

Although I did check it and it seems that I already did give it a look over. Should I do it again?

>> No.5222  

That would be great. I never got back to re-reading it so I still need to do that some time if there's a chance of getting it as good as possible for a decent release.

I think I left a couple notes around I was unsure about too. Not knowing Japanese, there are several things I couldn't do with it other than fixing all the errors I could find (typos, spacing issues, characters that don't display correctly and/or break the text boxes) and trying to get it all a bit more consistent but nothing when checking bits that didn't make much sense in the translation.

Also if you could please check a couple of the things I was unsure about/misunderstanding in this post:

>> No.5225  

>>5222 Thanks. I'll go and attend to them within the weekend.

>> No.5227  

>>5222 Here's to address all your concerns from >>5000


Let's go with my translation then. "Let's dig in." "Let's eat."

> <46AD> 「エリスはスイレンの名前の由来、知っていますか?」=「Did you know that the water lily takes its name from Eris?」
> <489F> 「由来……?」=「Origin...?」
> <492B> 「ハスに似た花が夕方に閉じるから『睡る蓮』つまり、睡蓮という意味になるんです」=「A flower resembling the lotus, which closes in the evening. So it is known as the "Sleeping Lotus". That’s what the water lily means.」
> <49F7> 「そうなの? 知らなかったわ」=「Is that so? I didn’t know that.」

"Did you know where the water lily got its name from, Eris?"
"Its origin...?" //
"There's a flower that resembled a lotus. Its petals closes during the evening, it was known as the "Sleeping Lotus." That's where the name 'Water Lily' came from.

This is a bit complicated because it's a Japanese naming thing. Suiren (スイレン/睡蓮) is named after the 睡る(nemuru)蓮(hasu). Where 睡 can also be read as "Sui" and 蓮 also being read as "Ren" Which gives the flower its name "Suiren" (water lily).

I'd pretty much prefer to translate it this way.

"Did you know where 'Suiren' (water lily) got its name from, Eris?"
"There's a flower that resembled a lotus. Its petals closes during the evening, it was known as the Sleeping (Sui) Lotus (Ren). That's where the name 'Suiren' (water lily) came from."

It's wordy, and long, but it translates to what the text wanted to say. if you do have other suggestions, do tell.

> <7479> そして、放課後になって。=And like that, it was now after school.

"Just like that, the classes ended for the day." This is really difficult to reword. That's exactly how it is best to translate already. Although "And so, after school came." works as well. Anything, really.

> <9592> 「それは、おはじきです。弾いて遊ぶのですが……やってみますか?」=「Those are marbles. You play with it like this... Do you want to try?」
> #actually flat discs, not spheres
> #http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiddlywinks I saw this, I think we should use this translation, but I haven't changed it yet. If I were to suggest, marbles should be changed to 'Winks' like what the wikipedia said. -hinata-
>Inclined to agree, whilst I wouldn't know what 'winks' were I could still look it up whereas having marbles, from Shizuku's narrated description of them playing, leaves the scene seeming rather unrealistic.

They're technically "flat marbles" in English. Let's use 'flat marbles' then.

> <1CCC> 「エリス、どうしていきなり?」=「Eris, why did you come here?」
> <1D5E> さすがに驚きました。=It was indeed a surprise.
> <1DE6> 今夜、エリスを招待しようと思っていたのに、いきなり彼女の方から訪ねて来たのですから。=Although I was going to invite her tonight, she came here so suddenly.
> <1FFA> 「エリス、急にどうしたのですか?」=「Eris, why are you here so suddenly?」
> <209A> 「ウン、ねぇシズク……デートしよう★」=「Yes, hey, Shizuku… Let's go on a date. ★」

I'd keep the current translations because it makes sense. Shizuku said "Eris, Why are you here?" and corrected herself later to "Eris, why are you here so suddenly?" because of her surprise. She speaks in formal Japanese, her first question was quite informal, she corrected herself. This is correct. Although for the last one, I'd say

"Mm. Hey, Shizuku... let's go on a date. ★"

> <6023> ずっと下を向いて、プルプル震えているのです。=Her face was done for a while and she began to tremble.

"She's been looking at the ground for a while, and then she began to tremble." It's literally "She's been facing downwards for a while and then she began trembling all of a sudden." It was a typo, I guess.

> <A303> 「ちゅる、れろ……んふっ★ 止めちゃイヤ、でしょう? シズク★」=「Churu, rero… nfu★ Do you want me to stop? Shizuku ★」
> <A6CA> 「ちゅる、んちゅ……あぁ、シズクの奥から……ミルクみたいに真っ白なの、出てきた★ じゅる、全部舐めてあげる★」=「Churu, nchuu… Ah, Inside Shizuku… A pure white milk came out. ★ Juru, I'll lick everything. ★」

"schlurp lick... mmph★ You don't want me to stop, right, Shizuku?★"
"slurp kiss... Ah... A pure white milk came out... from inside you.★ slurp I'll lick everything. ★"

> <4620> 「はい。冷たいお茶と、水菓子入りのくず寄せを用意してありますよ」=「Yes. I made some chilled green tea and kudzu jelly with fruit pieces in it.」
> #DeltaCake: kudzu is called Japanese arrowroot in English if preferred
> Again, I don't particularly care either way so ?

Just retain "kudzu" since it's the name of a Japanese plant.

>> No.5228  

Awesome, thatnk you ^_^
I'll get the MSD ready and start going through tomorrow night to check for the remaining sfx to do and any last typos or glitches.

>> No.5230  

>>5228 No problem, glad to be of help. I can test it over and see if there's anything else. It's always easier to final check while playing through everything since, pure text only vs text + voice sometimes give the difference in meanings.

>> No.5233  

There was something else I forgot about since I only put it in an earlier post. There was a line in S017 where only the section after the comma was translated.
<C20F> わたくしが自分の弄って欲しいところを責めると、エリスも腰を揺らして感じてくれた。
All that was done was "Eris' hips shook in response."
Might there be a specific reason for this or was it just skipped somehow?

Hadn't had a good night to start reading through but just doing the edits you added on my local copies and was wondering about the lotus lines.
This line is just before them:

>- <4373> 「ありました、学名スイレン科スイレン属、和名ヒツジグサ……」=「Here. The Nymphaea tetragona, or pygmy water lily.」
>#I focused on naming the plant itself rather than the original sentence, which handles the "scientific name" incorrectly

I was going to just change it to "or Suiren (Water Lily)", as you put it, for consistency with the following lines. Just wanted to confirm with you that it works properly with the scientific name or if you would want to redo the whole line.

Also just doing a slight alteration to those lines after. First, "Did you know" to "Do you know" since it's a question and I feel the former is more suited to stating a fact in the same sentence.
Then closes to close and replacing the comma with "so" which I think makes the line both flow and work better.
And finally one I'd like to check with you to be sure.

>Do you know where 'Suiren' (Water Lily) got its name from, Eris?

I'd like to throw a 'the' in before 'Suiren' otherwise it gives it the significance of a uniquely named plant, like in in the case of a pet, rather than a common name of one. Was that intended?

>> No.5234  


><C20F> わたくしが自分の弄って欲しいところを責めると、エリスも腰を揺らして感じてくれた。

"I attacked her in a place that I would want touched," is roughly the first part. "I touched her in a place I would want touched." Sorry my English upon translation is bad. Please reword as you would like.

>- <4373> 「ありました、学名スイレン科スイレン属、和名ヒツジグサ……」=「Here. The Nymphaea tetragona, or pygmy water lily.」
>#I focused on naming the plant itself rather than the original sentence, which handles the "scientific name" incorrect

"Here. It's scientific name is Nymphaeaceae (Suiren-ka), family name Nymphaea (Suiren-zoku), or more commonly known in Japanese as pygmy waterlily (Hitsujigusa)."

>I'd like to throw a 'the' in before 'Suiren'

Feel free.

>> No.5235  

First off, I noticed an error in the translated MGD (graphics file). The name graphics for Staff Member A, B, C & D are Staff Member A. There's one for Staff Member C & D (or some combination) that is correct but the other individual ones are all the same. I dug out my copy to get the Jp MGD to check they were correct there, which they were, so those need to be fixed.
I'd do it myself but;
A) I don't have the tool to decrypt/encrypt the MGDs (unless someone can share it with me).
B) I don't know what the font is, offhand.

Now, with that out of the way.
Updated s001-s010 with my QC, unlikely to be perfect but I think they're quite fine. Mostly, at least. Have a couple lines to look back at when I'm done and I need to go through the first 7 or 8 to double check all the tense in unspoken lines.

The two parts about the water lily/suiren, just went with this in the end:
Cut down the line about the scientific name, just trying to keep it simple and flowing. It's already well established for the reader that suiren = water lily and I think it's fine like this for the following lines. I must say, I now have a lot more appreciation for you guys dealing with Jp word play stuff in translation...

> <62FE> エリスがおかしな事を言うから……この空気、いたたまれません。=Since Eris said such a strange thing... It wasn't possible to breathe.

I want to change this to: "With Eris having said that... it became impossible for me to breathe." or "having said such a thing".
Because the line is worded rather wierdly to begin with but also that saying "such a strange thing" when Eris was just asking if anyone knew Shiuzuku's club then asking "is it possible no-one knows?"
I don't think it's really a strange thing. Perhaps sudden or something that draws all the attention to her, I just can't think of the word I'm after. But I don't want to change the original meaning if that's literally what is meant.
Anyway, just made it "With Eris having said such a strange thing... It became impossible for me to breathe."

And here's another.

> <452A> 買い物する時、目的のものを手に入れた後はすぐ帰宅する事にしているので。=When shopping, I usually have a plan so they can immediately return home after procuring the item.

She must be referring to herself here, or herself with her parents or Miss Maid but saying 'they' means people other than herself. I don't really get this translation.
For now I changed it to "When shopping, I usually plan it out so I can return home as soon as I have acquired everything I need". Might remove 'acquired' yet.

And just one thing I'm curious about;

>- <73D3> 「クリーム状のパフューム……『ネリコウスイ』と言うらしいわ。可愛い入れ物に入っていて……最近ワタシ、集めてるの♪」=「It's perfume in a cream, so you rub it on. It's inside a cute case... Recently I've been collecting things like this.」

Nericousui? Can only guess that it's intended to be a brand name? Yet it was cut from the TL.

>> No.5239  

Here you have the MGD fixed. Also, I added the credit translated.

>> No.5240  

Thanks ^_^

And, as usual, I totally forgot to add something to my previous post.
I haven't fixed a bunch of SFX in s001-s010, not knowing them. Other than a Chuu or 2 to kiss. Not sure if you were just gunna do all of those yourself, Hinata? Or if you want me to keep track of them all (which I'll be doing from now on at least anyway, IIRC s011-s014 were the worst for that, and the most broken otherwise when I started).

>> No.5242  

>>5235 ネリコウスイ or 練り香水 is "Solid Perfume" the rest of the translations is fine.

>>5240 In regards to that, I haven't found time to check the game and will be busy until mid February, but I'll just spend time to play the game and translate the sexFX along the way and put an update here for fixing.

Thanks to >>5239 as well for the updated MSD.

>> No.5243  

>>5235 Oops, forgot to add the TL in my last reply.

>- <73D3> 「クリーム状のパフューム……『ネリコウスイ』と言うらしいわ。可愛い入れ物に入っていて……最近ワタシ、集めてるの♪」=「It's perfume in a cream, so you rub it on. It's inside a cute case... Recently I've been collecting things like this.」

It'll become "It's a cream-like perfume, it's called "Solid Perfume." It's inside a cute case... Recently I've been collecting things like this."

Solid Perfume is actually an existing thing. It's also called "Cream Perfume" or "Body Cream Perfume." Reword as you'd like.

>> No.5249  

Sorry for having been so quiet. Just been fixing some stuff and adding in SFX at work, haven't been going through to check it cause TBQH I'm kinda sick of it >_> Just gotta go through and read it properly one more time to make sure I didn't break anything with all the edits, there were -a lot- in s012 and s017, the former having lots of sfx to fix up and the later just having them removed entirely so added in checking from the Jp lines.

It actually occurred to me that I was in fact really, really stupid lol. I should have been searching for other instances of the same SFX (from where they were done in this one and checking in the final script for SonoHana9) and copying over the translations appropriately.
Bunch of random noises that I just left as-is. Stuff like kufuun, nfuu, kuann, hyaun, hiin, nguu, nkyu.

I'm certain I got all the double spaces, fixed all the ellipses, the remaining typos and adjusted all the parts I thought were worded a bit poorly or strangely and all that stuff. But as said, need to check again to make sure, after all the edits, that everything still fits well.

Oh and altered a few instances of lines like this: talking directly to Eris "Even if Eris says such a thing" or whatever, couldn't remember a specific example but that sort of thing bugs the hell out of me, especially being a bit too common in translations.

I'll try to read through it again to finish up.

>> No.5285  

So, any updates?

>> No.5334  

Seeing as the last MSD posted here is quite out of date, I went and compiled the latest scripts on the Wiki, which should have Massaca's edits included.


>> No.5335  

Thanks! But It would be really great if we could get a "normal" patch, just like the previous ones.

>> No.5612  

Maybe I will like the game or is not a game

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