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File: torotoro_himeawase_ch01_005.png -(819039 B, 1389x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
819039 No.4007  

Edit: http://uqc.me/63psj
Scans: http://www.mediafire.com/download/vm0f76qd075i875

>> No.4008  
File: Torotoro_1.txt -(9693 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.4009  
File: torotorocover.jpg -(421801 B, 1083x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Cover blurb and author note.

>> No.4019  

So exciting that my first venture into yuri got a tankoubon! I truly didn't expect this would happen.
It was trial and error for me throughout, but if I can leave you with a feeling like, "Hmm, love between girls sure is nice," it would be me delight.

Takai Ayano, university student, was confessed to by her cute, little sister-like classmate Morino Mami and a heart-pounding relationship ensued.

A very cute girl, who is actually incredibly lewd... ♥♥♥

Mami's & Ayano's dreamy-swoony ♥ campus love story!!
With a tankoubon exclusive of the two's cute first night living together ♥ a book filled to the brim with happy lewdness ☆

>> No.4020  

Page 9, panel 3
empty bubble: "..."

Page 14
So when someone tries to pick you up like earlier, I might lose you just like that. =>
So if someone were to try to pick you up like earlier, I might lose you just like that.

>> No.4021  

It was trial and error =>
It was touch and go

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