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File: Wildrose v7_0133.png -(2690984 B, 1772x2478) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2690984 No.3722  

Edit: http://uqc.me/cu6xo
Raw: http://www.mediafire.com/download/vqntru4f4dy5uoy

>> No.3723  
File: Summer Day (Wildrose 7, Story 10).txt -(4783 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

TL by Procyon

>> No.3724  

>>3723 omgah! finish editing already, you guys are fast. I'm impress, going to do qc on it.

>> No.3747  

Summer days Qc:

Qc for Summer day

"Why are they in the bathroom?">>>move up


6th frame.
Splash the first splash sfx there is some white brush covering the border.

That's all I was able to find, good job.

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