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161004 No.3663  

In August 2012, in the Dyed with an Angel's Petals translation thread (http://nsfw.yuriproject.net/res/1665.html), it was decided to change the name of the school from "St. Michael's School for Girls" to "St. Michael's Academy for Girls" due to a reinterpretation of the kanji used in that name. I would like to determine standard translations for all recurring terms in the A Kiss For The Petals text for maximum accuracy. I am opening this thread to address a long-standing issue and for any future ones that occur.

As I was reviewing a script for an upcoming release, Ralen suggested that 環境整備委員会, which was literally translated as the "Environmental Protection Committee" in the first visual novel translation by CountPacula, could be more accurately referred to as the "Campus Beautification Committee" given its limited scope. However, before I update my visual novel translations, I'd like a consensus on this first. If there are any objections or suggestions for different names, please post them here.

>> No.3665  

I don't know much the rest that needed reinterpretation, but I'm all good for "St. Michael's Academy for Girls"

Meanwhile, "環境整備" Literally means = Environmental Maintenance, which makes 環境整備委員会 = Environmental Maintenance Committee

However, I have no better suggestion (just bringing this up, in here), I'm also good for "Campus Beautification Committee" even though it's slightly a bit far from the original meaning, but not too far.

Maybe if you can give us a list of the different names, we could all pitch in for this?

>> No.3675  

"Campus Beautification Committee" is the only proposed alternative at the moment.

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