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File: Wildrose-v7_0118.png -(790468 B, 1399x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
790468 No.3518  

Finally Ready In Need of QC:http://www.mediafire.com/download/v9kq3xr5j888u74/Yuri_Hime_Wildrose_v7_Fever.zip

Note: I need to fix the credit page...severely since I confuse Sweet little devil with prep room..but both equality good stories.Extremely similar characters

Thank you to Weatheredpeach and Procyon..
Procyon will provide translation.

>> No.3519  

The download is set to private.

>> No.3520  

try to download again...hope it works this time. http://www.mediafire.com/download/v9kq3xr5j888u74/Yuri_Hime_Wildrose_v7_Fever

>> No.3527  
File: Fever Retreat.txt -(8921 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Procyon will provide translation.

Yes, here's the script if it helps with TLC.

And here are the raws:

>> No.3538  

I always love Nansaki's work, have been following the couple since Sweet little devil, waiting for Shina to finally forget her best friend and keep it up with her senpai. Is there any new works with them that you guys will do in the future?

>> No.3548  

>>3538 I don't know if Iku will make more beautiful yuri stories but if yuri wildrose 8 comes out we will try our best to get it and work on it...if I'm here Ill do more of iku..mark my word :)

>> No.3549  

Good job :D

Page 119:

"Phew..." can be moved up a bit.

"...GH!!" can be moved up.

"No..." move down.

"Wai-.." can be moved down a little bit.

Page 120:

"Mm..." (the one before the "I can't...") can be moved down a bit.

Page 123:

"...goodness, you idiot." can be moved up a bit.

"Art club president?" can be moved a little bit up, and a px or three to the left.

Page 124:

"Yet there's people..." can be moved little bit down.

"The roof is the complete..." can be moved a px or two to the right.

"The room that was" can be moved a bit down.

Page 126:

"Sigh..." can be moved a little bit to the left, and down.

"It's Shiina one-sided love." -> "It's Shiina[S] one-sided love."

Page 127:

"After Satsuki's..." can be moved a bit down, and a px or two to the left.

"I have a hot date..." can be moved down, and a little left.

Page 129:

"Eeeh?!" can be moved to the left.

Try to make room for "No way!" to be moved a little to the left, and a little down.

"But[Enter]..." -> remove the linebreak.

"Because," can be moved down.

"She did it." can be moved down quite a bit.

Page 131:

"If only my love had..." can be moved a little bit down.

Page 132:

"If it were possible," -> "If it [was] possible,"

"But that this thread of fate..." can be moved downwards, and a few px to the left.

"With your heart." -> "With[Enter]your[Enter]heart.", make a bit bigger.

Credits page:

"...really like girlswith short hair!" missing a space.

Awesome work with the edit ^^

>> No.3550  

>>3549 ah! great to see you around here...thank you for the Qc

>> No.3568  
File: wildrose_qc.txt -(1678 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Dust markup: http://www.mediafire.com/download/smahrr34v1yhgba/Wildrose_QC.ZIP

QC attached. I didn't cross-check with what WP wrote, so disregard the overlap on my part.

Credits page obviously needs rework because they're not the same characters.

>> No.3576  

>>3573 ill get this trough-out the day ^^; was busy cleaning this morning...

>> No.3577  

editing finish finally it took me awhile to make all the adjustments but hopefully is ready to go...if not let me know and i'll be able to fix them right away ^^: thank you for the Qc:http://www.mediafire.com/download/5ac2gblzzcn7s8b/Yuri_Hime_Wildrose_v7_Fever+Retreat%5BYuri+Project%5D.zip

>> No.3579  

Credits page:

"If you didn't read this story's prequel, Love Prep Room, some things might not make sense. You can find it here:"
"Once you've finished the prequel, come back to this and re-read."
>> No.3582  

Remove the quotation mark before "Once". And you can keep the last sentence you had in, I was just too lazy to type it out.

>> No.3585  
File: Wildrose-v7_credits.jpg -(2905473 B, 1392x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>3582 there finally, kept uploading the wrong one XD...there you go

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