Page 1, panel 4, "Darn, the teacher's here" - tick down.
Page 3, panel 3, "Toono-san, you saw it, right?" - down perhaps half a text row.
Panel 6, punctuation would probably look better as such -
>...Even if I did, it has Not. A. Thing. To do with me.
The formulation feels a bit awkard though. I'd try
> ...Even if I did, it doesn't have a. Single. Thing. To do with me.
Page 4, the letters seem thinner, if you've forgotten to apply a "Strong" text setting or something.
Page 8, panel 3, "Not like anyone would believe it, though. And, there's no evidence."
Panel 5, "Why did she say she liked me?" - you can move "did" back up next to "Why" and get a more compact text shaping.
Last panel, shouldn't "I just don't get it!" and "I don't get it!" switch places?
Page 12, panel 7, "in a weird spot" -> "in such a weird place". (For best reading flow, I think simply "Don't touch me /there!/" would sound the best, though that's up to you)
Page 14, panel 6, "That feels good!" tick down a few steps.
Page 15, last box, "Sensei... Me too", tick down.