A first QC for Dog's Life is available here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/5q73688do4d4q4q/Dog%27s_Life_QC1.zip
Some comments:
Front page: I have an alternative version of the front page where the original title has been removed completely, but I think the present one with the original title looks a bit better.
Typesetting: I have taken a few minor liberties with regard to the translation...
- Periods have been dropped from single word sentences, i.e. "Haah" has been used instead of "Haah."
- I have not included the comment that explains the "Splaash" on page 3, as I was not sure if that was intended to be a TL-note.
- I have extended the sfx "VSSH" to "VSSSSSH", in order to better "fill out" the available space.