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File: Capture15-Nov-12-04.54.21.png -(655027 B, 800x599) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
655027 No.1930  


Note that this is a translation project for the demo only. I do not plan to be involved in any translation projects for the full product at this time, nor do I recommend that anyone start one until a decision on licensing is reached (see http://petalsgarden.axypb.net/2012/07/16/yurin-yurins-response-to-the-localization-proposal/).

The engine appears to be a modified version of that seen in the Fuguriya visual novels. I've already requested Proger_XP to update ArcTool to support it, but in the meantime, translation can begin on the opening chapter.

>> No.1941  

I've received word from Proger_XP that this demo uses a completely new encryption method and that his personal schedule will prevent him from studying it. If anyone else would like to try to decrypt this script, they are welcome to try, but we will likely not be using ArcTool for this release in any case.

>> No.1943  
File: untitled.png -(2008 B, 32x32) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.1944  
File: Capture20-Nov-12-07.57.42.png -(554533 B, 806x625) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thank you for your work. However, the auto-spacing routine needs to be adjusted. The new character limit appears to be 56 characters for dialogue and the first line of narration and 58 characters for subsequent lines of narration. Currently, ArcTool still assumes the old character limits, which will make fitting text neatly unnecessarily difficult.

>> No.1945  

:: word wrap line after, characters=58 ::

>> No.1954  

Thank you for pointing this out. I've uploaded the trial scripts to the wiki.


I'd like to remind any prospective translators that it is best to translate this trial script only and not proceed with the full visual novel once it is released, until a decision is reached on licensing by Yurin Yurin. Scripts s044, s052, s077, s086, s098, and s117 are excerpts.

>> No.1956  

The visual novel is now available in Japan. For clarification, I will support a translation of this demo, but due to my commercial obligations, I cannot participate in any fan attempts to translate the full product.

>> No.1957  

That's fine. Everyone else is free to translate the full version. I have no doubt this will turn out to be one of more popular games in the series. And for a huge game of this size, it's better to start the project sooner rather than later.

Here is a torrent link for anyone who wants to help translate. It's 1 GB large


>> No.1978  

That's also my stance. If the modified tools work with the full version, have fun... otherwise, find someone else to work on them.

>> No.2440  

What's the current situation with this game? I was able to extract all the msd files from the full game, but the modified arc tool threw an error when I tried to decompile them. I don't have much free time right now, but I'd be interested in editing this (as well as finishing previous games for patch updates) starting in June. Might even be able to do ~300-500 lines a week before then.

>> No.2452  

Unfortunately, the full release script has different encryption from that of the demo. Another modification of ArcTool's decryption library is needed, but ProgerXP has declared that support for ArcTool from him has ended, as he is no longer able to continue development of it.

>> No.2453  

Sorry to hear. Hopefully, someone will come along that can get arctool to work with the new game. It's definitely coded differently from the others. I noticed the window mod doesn't work right for it, either.

>> No.2537  

We have concluded from Yurin Yurin's lack of response to multiple inquiries on the localization talks that they are uninterested in an official English localization at this time. This, combined with their inaction toward the English translation patches despite their knowledge of it, has led me to conclude that translating their works is safe. Therefore, I will begin work on this visual novel immediately.

The ArcTool library must be updated to support the full release. When that is ready, I will begin posting scripts to the wiki.

>> No.2542  

Read more on this decision at http://petalsgarden.axypb.net/2013/04/18/state-of-localization-for-yurin-yurin-products/

>> No.2753  

The executable file has been patched for Japanese locale selection and English window titles.

>> No.2758  

just need some clarification. the scrips on the wiki page are the trial version of this VN right? if so, will there be full version of this VN available?

>> No.2767  

We still need for ArcTool to be updated to support it. The person who modified it to support the demo, as well as Fuguriya's most recent releases, has not yet returned to repeat their work for the full version.

>> No.2775  

I've started a new thread for the full version of this visual novel: http://nsfw.yuriproject.net/res/2773.html

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