MSCENARIO FILE "An Injustice Rectified?" bg03a DAMMY GS_CUD DAMMY show yu tyu04s GS_CLR voice "YUNA0046" "Nanami-chan... you..." DAMMY show yu tyu04s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0073" "Th-this is... um, well..." "Just what was going on here!?" "I had quietly slipped into the classroom, @newline@and Yuuna-senpai was..." "She was... masturbating..." "Whawawaa! I had seen Senpai masturbating!!" "No, no, that wasn't the issue..." "The important thing here was that Senpai had@newline@found out that I had been watching her." "And now, standing before me, a dark look on @newline@her face the likes of which I had never @newline@before seen, Yuuna-senpai was..." DAMMY show yu tyu03s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0047" "Nanami-chan... you... you saw..." voice "NANA0074" "Ah, um, that's..." voice "YUNA0048" "You saw, didn't you?" DAMMY show yu tyu03s at l \ show na tna06s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0075" "Ah, I'm not quite sure what you mean..." "As I tried to offer some lame excuse, Yuuna-@newline@senpai slowly drew closer to me." DAMMY show yu tyu03s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0076" "Aah, no, I didn't see anything! I didn't see@newline@anything at all!" voice "NANA0077" "I didn't see anything like Yuuna-senpai @newline@making a voice like that! Really, not at @newline@all! Not in the slightest!" DAMMY show yu tyu03s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0078" "...wait, what?" DAMMY show yu tyu06s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0049" "Nanami-chan, you saw...." DAMMY show yu tyu06s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0079" "Aaa! It was an accident!" "You dummy!" "What are you saying!?" voice "YUNA0050" "Nanami-chan saw me... Nanami-chan found out @newline@about me..." DAMMY show yu tyu06s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0080" "Yu...Yuuna-senpai...?" DAMMY show yu tyu08s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0051" "So.. If it's come down to this......" "Come down to what?" DAMMY show yu tyu07s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0052" "I'll kill Nanami-chan and die too!" DAMMY show yu tyu07s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0081" "Say whaaat!?" DAMMY show yu tyu09s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0053" "Because if you found out, then it's all @newline@over!" voice "NANA0082" "Because of -what-!? Huh? Where did that @newline@stapler come from? Why are you pointing it @newline@at me like that?!" voice "YUNA0054" "Don't worry, I'll make it quick! The pain @newline@will all be over soon... *gulp*" voice "NANA0083" "I don't know what you're thinking, but you @newline@can't kill someone with just a stapler!" voice "YUNA0055" "I've been outed! It's out! Out, out, out, @newline@out, out, out!" DAMMY show yu tyu07s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0056" "All about how every day, day after day, I'm @newline@masturbating to thoughts of Nanami-chan!" voice "NANA0084" "Whaa!? E-every... day...!?" voice "YUNA0057" "One time while eating dinner! Then again @newline@later while studying! And yet again before @newline@going to sleep!" voice "NANA0085" "As in, three times all in the same day!?" DAMMY show yu tyu06s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0058" "Uuu... I've been outed as a pervert..." DAMMY show yu tyu05s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0059" "Nanami-chan's big beautiful eyes, her soft @newline@cheeks, her adorable little breasts, her @newline@unmentionable places..." DAMMY show yu tyu06s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0060" "How my imagination runs wild, the inside of @newline@my head overflowing with the most indecent @newline@thoughts and fantasies - that's all out!" DAMMY show yu tyu06s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0086" "Ah... Ah, Yuuna-senpai..." DAMMY show yu tyu03s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0061" "When I saw your gym uniform, I became so @newline@aroused that I just couldn't help myself..." DAMMY show yu tyu08s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0062" "But still! I wasn't always such an indecent @newline@girl, you know!" DAMMY show yu tyu04s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0063" "That's the truth, really! I've only been @newline@like this since that day..." "That day...?" DAMMY show yu tyu08s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0064" "Ever since the opening ceremony, when I @newline@happened to meet you, Nanami-chan!" DAMMY show yu tyu08s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR "Yuuna-senpai... she remembered what happened@newline@at the ceremony..." DAMMY show yu tyu06s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0065" "Nanami-chan, ever since I met you, I've been@newline@completely out of control!" DAMMY show yu tyu06s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0087" "Se-Senpai....." "Senpai was crying." "Yuuna-senpai, that dignified and mature girl@newline@who always had a gentle smile on her face, @newline@that girl was..." DAMMY show yu tyu10s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0066" "Uwaaaaah... now you're going to hate me... @newline@Nanami-chan's going to hate me..." DAMMY show yu tyu10s at l \ show na tna08s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0088" "I will do nothing of the sort!" DAMMY show yu tyu04s at l \ show na tna08s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0067" "Eh...?" voice "NANA0089" "Yuuna-senpai, there is absolutely no way @newline@that I could do anything like hate you!" DAMMY show yu tyu04s at l \ show na tna09s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0090" "Because, you see... from the time we first @newline@met... I've had a crush on you ever since!" voice "YUNA0068" "Na-Nanami-chan...?" DAMMY show yu tyu04s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0091" "S-so... Even if you are thinking about me @newline@when you're... masturbating... that doesn't @newline@upset me..." DAMMY show yu tyu04s at l \ show na tna05s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0092" "No, it makes me happy!" voice "YUNA0069" "Nanami-chan... do you really mean that?" DAMMY show yu tyu04s at l \ show na tna08s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0093" "Really, yes!" "I had a feeling that I was saying something @newline@outrageous." "But, as scrambled about as the insides of my@newline@head were, I wasn't able to think." voice "NANA0094" "Yuuna-senpai, I love you!" voice "YUNA0070" "............" DAMMY show yu tyu04s at l \ show na tna03s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0095" "Ah, um? Yuuna-senpai?" voice "YUNA0071" "............" "Senpai had suddenly gone silent..." DAMMY voice "CU02" GS_HI_NS voice "YUNA0072" "....Nanami-chaaaaaan!!" voice "NANA0096" "Kwyaa!?" "Without warning, Yuuna-senpai pounced on me." voice "YUNA0073" "Waaaaah! Nanami-chan! Nanami-chan! Nanami- @newline@chaaan!" "Hugging me tight, rubbing our cheeks @newline@together... sniffing at me now and again." "Yuuna-senpai was sobbing like a child." "Her everyday image had shattered completely." "But..." "Strangely, it didn't seem out of place." "Not at all." "Instead, Senpai seemed more lovely than ever@newline@before..." voice "NANA0097" "Ooh, Yuuna-senpai...!" "Affectionately, I stroked Senpai's head." voice "YUNA0074" "Nanami-chan, I love you!" voice "NANA0098" "I love you too, Senpai." voice "YUNA0075" "Heeheehee..." voice "NANA0099" "Eheehee..." "What was this?" "I had never felt this way before..." "Even though my heart was racing, I felt @newline@completely calm." DAMMY show yu tyu05s GS_CLR voice "YUNA0076" "Nanami-chan..." DAMMY show yu tyu05s at l \ show na tna01s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0100" "What is it, Senpai?" voice "YUNA0077" "May I kiss you too?" DAMMY show yu tyu05s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0101" "K-kiss!? Kiss... wh-wh-what!?" DAMMY show yu tyu06s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0078" "" "Senpai asked with a face close to tears." "When she made that kind of face, I..." DAMMY show yu tyu06s at l \ show na tna05s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0102" "I... didn't say that." DAMMY show yu tyu02s at l \ show na tna05s at r GS_CLR voice "YUNA0079" "Ah, wonderful... Well then, Nanami-chan..." "Yuuna-senpai's arms wrapped around me." DAMMY show yu tyu02s at l \ show na tna04s at r GS_CLR voice "NANA0103" "Aa......" voice "EV02" DAMMY GS_EN_NS voice "EV02" voice "YUNA0080" "Nanami-chan... eyes closed..." voice "NANA0104" "Y-yes'm..." "I closed my eyes, as instructed." voice "YUNA0081" "Nanami-chan..." "Senpai's breath seemed incredibly close." voice "NANA0105" "Yuuna, senpai... nn..." "The instant I spoke her name, a softness @newline@touched my lips." "With that, came a scent, somehow intensely @newline@sweet..." voice "YUNA0082" "Nnnn...nn..." voice "NANA0106" "Aah...nnn..." "My first kiss... This was my first kiss..." "My first kiss was with Yuuna-senpai..." "I was so happy that I could scarcely believe@newline@what was happening." voice "YUNA0083" "Nanami-chan, love you_ô" voice "NANA0107" "Eh...nnmmph?!" "Wh-what just slipped into my mouth!?" "Was that... her tongue?! Was this -that- @newline@kind of a kiss?!" voice "YUNA0084" *chwa*... *chwah* nn... hyauu... voice "NANA0108" "Nnmph... wai... wai... nn..." "Senpai's tongue moved about wildly inside my@newline@mouth..." "Eeyaah... her tongue wrapped around mine..." voice "NANA0109" "Nn... gyaaa... please, Se-senpai... @newline@nnnph..." voice "YUNA0085" "Nanami-chan, nnn, love you... nchaa... I @newline@love you, nnn..." "Senpai's tongue... it seemed to have a life @newline@of its own..." "Our touching lips felt incredibly hot, and @newline@from them, numbness started to seep through @newline@my whole body." voice "NANA0110" "Aa... nn, *chwa* *chwa*... ahua... nyhaa..." voice "YUNA0086" "Nn... ahu... Nanami-chan, your mouth, so @newline@sweet...nnn... delicious..." voice "NANA0111" "S-Senpai... I, I can't... if you keep @newline@doing... mmmphf!?" "This was not good... All the strength was @newline@draining out of my body." "Eyaaa... I could barely think straight..." voice "YUNA0087" "Nnn... haa... Nanami-chan..." voice "NANA0112" "Ah... aaah..." "Our long, long kiss at an end, our lips @newline@finally parted." "From lip to lip, a line of clear saliva @newline@stretched out between us." EV02P1 DAMMY GS_EN_NS EV02P1 voice "NANA0113" "Haaa... Haaa..." "It was hard to breathe." "My entire body felt hot, as if all the @newline@strength had left it." "I leaned against Senpai, entrusting my body @newline@to her." voice "YUNA0088" "Nanami-chan... so cute..." voice "NANA0114" "Sen... pai..." "Lost in a daze, I raised my eyes and saw @newline@Senpai's face with her everyday gentle @newline@smile..." voice "YUNA0089" "This really isn't fair, you know." "Abruptly, Senpai spoke out." voice "NANA0115" "Eh...?" voice "YUNA0090" "Nanami-chan, you watched me while I was @newline@masturbating, yes?" voice "NANA0116" "Ah, yes......" voice "YUNA0091" "Not only that, you kept watching me the @newline@whole time, until I had come." "What was Senpai saying..." "My mind felt like it was trapped in a haze." "I couldn't quite understand..." voice "YUNA0092" "So, Nanami-chan... I think it's only fair @newline@that I get to see you come as well_ô" voice "NANA0117" "Huh? Senpai, what are you... kyaaa?!" voice "SE006" voice "EV03" DAMMY GS_EN_NS voice "EV03" voice "NANA0118" "Wha-? Wha-wha-!?" "Before I realized it, I had been pushed down@newline@across the top of a desk." "And, in the blink of an eye, the buttons of @newline@my uniform had become undone..." voice "NANA0119" "Eh? Aaah!? Why am I--" "Naked?!" "Well - half-naked!?" voice "NANA0120" "Wh-what just... how did I...!?" voice "YUNA0093" "Heehee... Nanami-chan, you're beautiful_™" "Wait, what?! Senpai, she undressed me!?" voice "NANA0121" "Yuuna-senpai, what are you... kyaaa!?" "Senpai's tongue touched one of the little @newline@nubs jutting out from my chest." voice "NANA0122" "Hyaa... that's..." voice "YUNA0094" "Nanami-chan's breasts... and her nipples, so@newline@adorably pink_ô" "There was a note of intoxication in Senpai's@newline@voice as she tenderly fondled my breasts." voice "NANA0123" "Hyaa!? Gyaa!?" "It ran like electricity." "From the touch of Senpai's hands, something @newline@came racing through the inside of my body." voice "NANA0124" "Ah... haah..." voice "YUNA0095" "Heehee... you're sensitive, I see." "Senpai's tongue, as if painting circles, @newline@traced around my breasts." "Now and again, as if she had just remembered@newline@them, her tongue moved to a nipple and @newline@playfully rolled it about." voice "NANA0125" "Haaa... too much... d-don't... lick like @newline@that..." voice "YUNA0096" "No? Well then, how about over here, perhaps?" "With that, Senpai's left hand started to @newline@glide across my skin." voice "NANA0126" "Nyaa... ah, haaa..." "The palm of her hand that had been slowly @newline@sliding along over me finally arrived at my @newline@panties." voice "NANA0127" "No, please... not there..." voice "YUNA0097" "Sorry, no_™" "For just an instant, a sadistic grin flashed@newline@across Senpai's face." "With that, the fingertips of her left hand @newline@slid across my panties--" "...and made contact with my body's most @newline@sensitive spot." voice "NANA0128" "Hyaaa!? Aaah!" voice "YUNA0098" "Heehee... even more sensitive down here, @newline@aren't we..." voice "NANA0129" "Se-senpai... please... anywhere but there..." "If she kept touching me down there like @newline@that... what was going to happen to me...?" voice "YUNA0099" "Sorry, no_ô Not until I get to see you come,@newline@Nanami-chan." voice "NANA0130" "Hwaaa!?" "Through my panties, Yuuna-senpai's fingers @newline@rubbed my... a girl's most important place." "Tenderly yet deliberately, her fingers moved@newline@about as if kneading." voice "YUNA0100" "Nanami-chan, so hot and so wet here..." voice "NANA0131" "Ah, haa... stop it... don't rub my... down @newline@there... like that..." voice "YUNA0101" "My my, "down there" you say? Where would @newline@that be now?" "Senpai's fingers toyed with me through my @newline@panties." voice "NANA0132" "Hya..haaa... Please, please... I'm..." "My thoughts echoed about inside my head." voice "YUNA0102" "Answer me then. What would "down there" be?" voice "NANA0133" "Aah... I... don't understand..." voice "YUNA0103" "Don't lie now..." "With a squeeze, her fingers pressed into me @newline@stronger and stronger." voice "NANA0134" "Gyaaaah!?" voice "YUNA0104" "P-u-s-s-y", isn't it? Nanami-chan's most @newline@adorable part_ô voice "NANA0135" "Augh... hyaa..." voice "YUNA0105" "Come on, you can do it..." "Senpai's voice gently echoed in my ears." "I realized that, slowly but surely, my @newline@thoughts were going numb." voice "NANA0136" "My.. my pussy... stop playing with my @newline@pussy..." voice "YUNA0106" "Heeheehee... well done..." voice "NANA0137" "Haaa..." "At last, she was letting me go..." voice "YUNA0107" "So then, this time I want you to let me see @newline@you come_ô" voice "NANA0138" "Eh... gyaaaaaaa!?" "Senpai's fingers resumed their tender @newline@ministrations, more thoroughly than before." "At the same time, in addition to 'down @newline@there', Senpai also began insistently @newline@caressing my breasts as well." voice "YUNA0108" "Aah... your nipples are getting sooo hard." voice "NANA0139" "Nnn, nnn... aaah! Stop biting meeee!!" "Senpai's mouth picked and pinched at my @newline@nipples." voice "NANA0140" "Uuh, hyaaaaa!" "Sweet numbing pleasure was making the @newline@insides of my head boil." voice "YUNA0109" "Nanami-chan, your panties are getting @newline@completely soaked... do my fingers really @newline@feel that good?" voice "NANA0141" "No, can't... too embarrassing..." voice "YUNA0110" "If you don't answer, I just might have to @newline@get a little... unkind_ô" "With that, her fingers, gentle up until now,@newline@pressed down firmly in emphasis." voice "NANA0142" "Hyaa!? Augh! Hyaaaa!" "Reflexively, my body jumped in shock." "It felt as if an electric current had run @newline@through me." voice "YUNA0111" "Care to answer now? My fingers, are they @newline@making you feel good?" voice "NANA0143" "Uyaa, th-they feel good, yes!" voice "YUNA0112" "How exactly are they making you feel?" voice "NANA0144" "Senpai's fingers... rubbing against my @newline@pussy... sending shivers down my spine..." voice "YUNA0113" "Heehee.... well done again." voice "NANA0145" "Haa... haaaa... Senpai..." voice "YUNA0114" "Well then, I guess I'll make you feel even @newline@better. So then... will you let me see you @newline@come, Nanami-chan?" voice "NANA0146" "Hyaaaah?!" "Senpai's fingers were, once again, coaxing @newline@pleasure from my body, even more diligently @newline@than before." "And that wasn't all..." "Senpai buried her face against my breasts, @newline@carressing my hardened nipples in her mouth @newline@over and over and over again." voice "NANA0147" "Ah, aah! Hyaa, augh... too much, I can't... @newline@I can't think straight!" voice "YUNA0115" "Nanami-chan... mmmph, aaah... delicious... @newline@mmmph..." voice "NANA0148" "Hyaaa... don't suck my breasts like that..." voice "NANA0149" "Stop tormenting my puss-eeyaaah!" "Senpai's hand, 'down there', rubbing..." "Senpai's mouth, at my breasts, sucking..." "I felt like I was going insane..." EV03P1 DAMMY GS_EN_NS EV03P1 voice "NANA0150" "Nya, kyaa.... feel... something.... up @newline@inside... something's... happening...!!" "In an instant, my mind turned pure white." "A climax beyond anything I had ever felt @newline@before tore through me." "A gigantic ocean wave, large enough to make @newline@one fear being carried away forever, crashed@newline@down over me and snatched away my @newline@consciousness." BLACK DAMMY voice "YUNA0116" "Nanami-chan? Nanami-chan?" EV03P2 DAMMY GS_EN_NS EV03P2 voice "NANA0151" "What..... I......" "Opening my eyes, Senpai's face was right @newline@next to me." voice "YUNA0117" "Aah, good, you're back I see." voice "NANA0152" "What do you...? Senpai...?" voice "YUNA0118" "Nanami-chan... You passed out. Completely." voice "NANA0153" "I did......?" "What happened...?" "My mind was still hazy." "Why was I here like this with Senpai...?" voice "NANA0154" "Gah! Yuuna-senpai!?" voice "YUNA0119" "Yessy? What is it?" voice "NANA0155" "Is that all you can say?!" voice "YUNA0120" "What's wrong? Why such a scowl?" voice "NANA0156" "B-but... what did I... what did we...?!" voice "YUNA0121" "Heehee_ô Nanami-chan, you were absolutely @newline@adorable!" "This... this was no dream." "Yuuna-senpai and I... we... had just been..." voice "NANA0157" "Hyaaaaaaa!?" "Oh... my.... GOD!!!" "Yaaa... how absolutely mortifying..." voice "YUNA0122" "Nanami-chan." "Yuuna-senpai, her normal everyday self, @newline@softly called out my name." voice "NANA0158" "Yuuna... senpai...." "Our eyes met." "Until just a short while ago, merely @newline@acquaintances, two fellow students..." "But now, from this moment on..." voice "YUNA0123" "I love you, Nanami-chan." voice "NANA0159" "Aah..." "The taste of Senpai's lips was every bit as @newline@sweet as I remembered it to be..." S002 BLACK DAMMY main