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File: 2013-07-03_101252.png -(675282 B, 806x625) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
675282 No.2943  

I'd like to gauge interest in a major update for the first visual novel translation. I have posted a release candidate for a new version of the My Dear Prince patch that supports the remake at http://axypb.net/2012/08/30/beta-translaton-patch-for-a-kiss-for-the-petals/. This required a rewrite of the patcher program to accommodate the changes from the original version. I had planned to do the same for the first entry in the series and rebuild the translation to use my rewritten patcher. I had asked permission from CountPacula to do so in the past, but I have not gotten any response.

I would like to bring the updates of all translations that followed it to the original translation and the remake version of the first visual novel. In particular, all scripts will need to be reformatted for use with ArcTool and the text edited to conform to the translation conventions established here at Yuri Project. If there is enough interest in doing this, I will upload the translation to the wiki for review. Regardless of what happens, I will still repackage the translation and redo the graphic editing for the sake of convenience and efficiency if CountPacula does not object.

>> No.3305  

I'm curious how far you've taken this project at the moment, if at all, as I am totally behind repackaging the original translation to fit with your patching scheme, since it is less liable to end messed up. Do you have any updates at all about this?

>> No.3348  

I would also like this to happen as well. While the 2011 remake does "work" with the English patches, you lose all the remake benefits doing this.

As for CountPacula, I'm pretty sure she's MIA since I've tried to contact her a couple months ago as well, and got no response. Personally, I think it's fine to rebuild the translation and make it work with the original and remake releases. That's just me, though.

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